19 October 2008

Stories from 19 October 2008

Palestine: Shame on Us

  19 October 2008

Under a post entitled Shame on Us, Palestinian Leila notes: “Until we cleanse these heinous sins, adhere and submit to what we know Islam to be, then we deserve to...

Iraq: Abuse of Power

  19 October 2008

Inside Iraq draws our attention to the abuse of power in Iraq and how those with guns are in control. “The way those people who have guns behave makes me...

Japan: Media Bias in Potato Field Eviction?

  19 October 2008

Images appearing on Japanese TV of government forces evicting crying nursery school children from potato fields in Osaka, part of plans to extend a highway (the Second Keihan Highway) between Kyoto and Osaka, has sparked many on the Japanese net to respond with accusations of media bias.

Angola: On the sadness and happiness of being a returnee

  19 October 2008

Angola, 1975. The country had just become independent and the former Portuguese colonizers, as well as their families and many Angolan citizens, had to flee leaving everything they had behind. 30 years later, they blog the tale of being returnees and about the sadness and happiness this change in their fortunes brought them. See a video of the dramatic mass emigration.