Via PandaPassport‘s Rick Martin on Facebook: “For anyone inside China, this is a great way to be able to view whatever content you like. Just a quick software install and you're ready to go…give it a try.
See all those languages up there? We translate Global Voices stories to make the world's citizen media available to everyone.
Learn more about Lingua Translation »Via PandaPassport‘s Rick Martin on Facebook: “For anyone inside China, this is a great way to be able to view whatever content you like. Just a quick software install and you're ready to go…give it a try.
Who is using a service like this should be aware of the fact, that everything he/she is doing can be snooped by the company offering the service. This might be preferable compared to being snooped by the Chinese government or to not reach a website at all. But I would always prefer Tor (, although it is a bit slower. Also when using Tor, some operator could snoop the connections, but he cannot tell who and where you are then.
2008 Olympic Results…
The 2008 Olympic games from Beijing and started and I couldn\’t be happier. I am a huge fan of the olympics and will be watching as many olympic events as I can….