John Kennedy

Former Chinese Language Editor for Global Voices Online, living in Hong Kong.

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Latest posts by John Kennedy

China: How Myanmar's Opening Up Differs

  5 July 2012

Just back from the Myanmar Investment Summit in Yangon, as the country continues rapid opening to foreign capital, China Law Blog‘s Steve Dickinson contrasts Myanmar's economic globalization efforts with China's...

China: Support for ObamaCare

  28 June 2012

At Tea Leaf Nation, David Wertime looks at reactions to the US Supreme Court's vote yesterday in support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). “Evil capitalism. Why...

China: Bum Rushing The Bus

  15 February 2012

Some buses in Beijing are so swamped with throngs of people that some have begun climbing over one another just to get a seat or a place to stand.

China: Not Worried About Twitter's Decision to Self-Censor

  27 January 2012

Twitter announced this week that, with an eye on global profits, it has decided to begin censoring content prohibited in the various markets in which the company has users. Although Twitter remains blocked in China, the site's Chinese-language users have responded to the news.

China: Only Talking About a Revolution

  26 December 2011

Han Han, supposedly the world's most-read blogger, has succeeded in getting netizens to debate the possibilities (or lack thereof) for greater political freedoms and democracy in China through three new controversial blog posts. Public figures and intellectuals have joined in, many challenging Han's somewhat pro-government stance.

China: Pandaman vs. Christian “Batman” Bale Goes Viral

  17 December 2011

Christian Bale's recent run-in with state security police (aka "Pandas") has inspired a series of viral spoof images, and coincides with the news that another high-profile Chinese dissident has been put back in prison 20 months after he was 'released' on probation.

China: Monitoring the 2012 Presidential Election

  4 December 2011

Chinese netizen interest this weekend in the first of three debates leading up to Taiwan's presidential election next month suggests more attention will be paid to this round than was given to the island's 2008 elections, and the focus has also expanded beyond each parties' stance on reunification with China.

China: On the Rise But Feeling Boxed In

  9 November 2011

China is surrounded by 85% of the political hotspots in the world, argues one prominent professor, and needs to be free to deal with those and other geopolitical problems it faces, beginning with access to the seas it borders.

China: Japan's Imaginary Enemy

  8 November 2011

Recent Japanese media reports portraying China as the enemy in a Japan-US naval exercise reportedly scheduled for this week have brought even more tension to territorial claims between the two Asian nations. John Kennedy reports.

China: Questions Following Mekong River Massacre

  30 October 2011

Thirteen Chinese sailors were killed earlier this month in an attack on two cargo ships. Nine Thai soldiers have claimed responsibility, which the Thai government says is theirs alone, but contradicting points in the case have left many with lingering doubts.

China: No Clear Solution to the Wall Street Occupation

  17 October 2011

The occupation of Wall Street has gathered a lot of interest in China, as have three blog posts last week from an investment banker, a columnist and a Yale professor, none of whom seem too optimistic that a new economic vision will arise from the growing global movement any time soon.

China: The Cost of Space Ambition

  4 October 2011

China's launch of an unmanned space station last week, says the editor of a Tokyo-based newspaper for Chinese expats, has given Japan reason to step up its contribution to the universal endeavor of space exploration - if it can afford it.

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