· January, 2011

Stories about Development from January, 2011

Liberia: Improving Liberian Education

  30 January 2011

Jenny discusses the works of Concern Liberia, which involve constructing classrooms, separate toilets for boys and girls, providing furniture, textbooks and other essential learning items like blackboards, pencils and copybooks.

Saudi Arabia: Jeddah Rain .. Again

  30 January 2011

Saudi Arabia's Red Sea port city of Jeddah has been lashed with rain again, bringing back the ill-fated #Jeddahrain hashtag to our Twitterfeeds. Following are reactions from netizens, who poured their wrath on corruption and Jeddah's deteriorating infrastructure.

China: A Subversive New Years’ Video Card

  26 January 2011

C. Custer from ChinaGeek translates and analyses a subversive New Years’ video card, “Little Rabbit, Be Good!”. The video addresses most of the social conflicts happened in the past few...

Brazil: Neo-Colonialism in Africa

  25 January 2011

Leonardo Sakamoto refutes [pt] the statement of the foreign affairs adviser to the Brazilian presidency, Marco Aurelio Garcia, that “A neo-colonial relationship is only established if neo-colonizer and colonized are...

Bahamas: economic “Bahamianisation”?

  24 January 2011

Rick Lowe of Weblog Bahamas responds to those who argue that “all economic activity” in the Bahamas should be “reserved exclusively for Bahamians” by pointing to a 2003 paper on...

Kenya: A blog featuring Kenyan jobs

  23 January 2011

Jobs in Kenya is a blog with up-to-date career information, advice and current Kenyan jobs. Featured fields includes : Accounting, finance, Banking, Health, Hospitality, IT,Telecommunications and many more

Taiwan: Product placement and the petrochemical industry

  21 January 2011

If a petrochemical company treats bloggers to a cushy on-site tour, do posts that follow count as corporate astroturfing? What, as some have alleged, if the excursion was funded by the government? And, what if the bloggers weren't shown the whole story?

Zambia: Zambia is rich but poor

  21 January 2011

Potpher Mbulo argues that Zambia is rich but poor: “mean, Zambia is greatly endowed with minerals, fertile land and fresh water yet it is gifted with bad culture.The reality on...