· July, 2012

Stories about Development from July, 2012

Philippines: New Mining Policy Stirs Debate

  31 July 2012

Philippine President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino's new Executive Order 79 on mining has drawn criticism from environmentalists, church people, peasant groups, and various other sectors. The Philippines has one of the largest mineral deposits in the world

Egypt: Cairo's Urban Future

Cairo from Below has recently launched an urban competition as part of an international initiative entitled Our Urban Futures, in which participants should send their proposals about their vision for...

Nigeria: Fury as Lagos State Government Demolishes #Makoko Slum

  17 July 2012

What is the reason behind the ruckus that has vibrated over the Nigerian social media platforms following the demolition of Makoko slum in Lagos? After all the hallmark of ‘development’ lies in substituting such 'ugly' urban spaces with more dignified habitable conditions. Our Nigerian author, Nwachukwu Egbunike, explains.

Chile: Citizen Campaign Seeks to Eliminate Tax on Books

  11 July 2012

A citizen campaign to remove the value added tax ("IVA" for its initials in Spanish) on books in Chile has sparked an online debate. Netizens are sharing their views in favor and against the campaign through blogs, and on Twitter they are discussing the issue with the hashtag #LibrosSinIVA.

Angola, China: Netizens Discuss New Development Ghost Town

  10 July 2012

The government of Angola hired a Chinese company to build 750 expensive apartments in Kalimba, about 30km outside the capital Luanda. Despite rich natural resources, many people in Angola live in abject poverty and cannot afford these apartments. Will Kalimba become Africa's biggest ghost town?

Foreign Migrant Workers in China

  9 July 2012

French photographer Benoit Cezard has taken a series of photos in which Caucasians pose as migrant workers, such as such as street vendors and sanitation workers in China. Jing Gao...

Chile: Homeless in Santiago

  5 July 2012

In Santiago, Chile, as in many other cities around the world, winter can be a deadly season for the homeless. Through photography, Demotix contributor Alejandro Rustom exposes the reality of the homeless in the Chilean capital and highlights how a group of citizens are trying to help.

China: How Myanmar's Opening Up Differs

  5 July 2012

Just back from the Myanmar Investment Summit in Yangon, as the country continues rapid opening to foreign capital, China Law Blog‘s Steve Dickinson contrasts Myanmar's economic globalization efforts with China's...

Chinese Investment: Boon or Bane for Southeast Asia?

  3 July 2012

The emergence of China as a global economic powerhouse is bringing tremendous benefits to its cash-strapped neighbors in Southeast Asia. But some of its investments have been mired in various controversies involving land disputes, village displacements, environment destruction, and corruption.