Stories about Development from November, 2006
Kenya: the world social forum
The world social forum and civil society: a reification of the state or an oppositional discourse?, asks Kameelah Writes.
Africa: are we failed states?
Enanga's Pov refutes the notion that Africa is a home to the greatest collection of failed states. She writes, “We should stop calling babies bad names because we cannot give...
Pakistan, India: Governance in Azad Kashmir
The Glasshouse comments on the state of governance and lack of telecommunications in Azad (Free) Kashmir. “It was shortly after the earthquake that I learnt that the so-called president, prime...
Moldova: Another Belarus?
Mihai Moscovici wonders if, following the Minsk CIS Summit, Moldova may turn into Europe's next Belarus.
Nigeria: putting the record straight
Grandiose Parlor responds to a blog post suggesting that Nigeria is skunk slime of Africa, “The writer displays a gross lack of knowledge, for he should have realized that while...
Africa: technology conference '07
Tech4Africa '07 is gaining momentum, writes One Afrikan: “And so it begins…. We’ve started getting some really good feedback for the Tech 4 Africa conference (last check we were up...
Malawi: Malawian windmill
Hactivate has a moving story about a windmill in Malawi, “The windmill stands on a tripod of wooden polls about five metres above the ground. It consists of locally-available materials...
Albania: Flags and Skyscrapers
Our Man in Tirana writes about Albania's Flag Day and the capital's amazing new skyscraper.
Africa: the African ICT Achievers Awards 2006
Here is a list of winners of the African ICT Achievers Awards 2006, “The Winner of the Top ICT Youth Innovator Award, Nomfundo Nguse(19), was also a finalist in the...
Africa: Africa's economies
Eliesmith writes about the 2006 African Development Indicator, “According to the report, the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa have retained their dominant positions on the...
Voices from Central Asia and the Caucasus
Astana (Kazakhstan) – Waiting for a bus – photograph taken by Richard Messenger (Many more bus stops here) While we're waiting for the bus, why not check out some of...
Haiti & Debt Relief: Will Government Measure Up?
Jojo at Collectif Haiti de Provence posts a Radio Kiskeya article on the World Bank and IMF conditions for permanent debt relief for the country and writes (Fr): “The conditions...
Flying Over the Iraqi Blogodrome
Literally this time. I am writing this as my flight to Dubai is actually flying over Iraqi airspace. First time ever. If I were to give a true summary of...
Africa: paradigm shift
The Benin Epilogue asks whether there is a paradigm shift in African business.
Africa: what China wants from Africa
Dr. George Ayittey‘s analysis of China's interest in Africa, “China’s increasing involvement in Africa should be viewed against this backdrop. Despite the euphonious verbiage about “cooperation”, “equal terms,” and “altruism,”...
Sudan: brain gain
Are you a Sudanese living abroad? Do you want to go home and serve your country? The UNDP has a special programme for you.
Malawi: redefining development
Afrika-Aphukira redefines development in Malawi, “Ten or so years ago I would have interpreted ‘development’ in a specific way: the sprouting of new, big and tall buildings, and new tarmac...
Africa: making Africa stinking rich
Do you want to help Africa? Cherryflava writes, “Forget poverty, AIDS, TB, malaria and corruption and lets focus on making Africa stinking rich. Keep you charity money, we don't need...
Russia: Putin's Piece in the FT
Ruminations on Russia reads an article by Vladimir Putin in the Financial Times.
Balkan Blog Roundup: Focus on the Positive
The Balkans need reconciliation, confidence and positivism to change and become the winning region of Europe with happier citizens. You can see that in the inspirational words from the Serbian,...
Kenya: dealing with China is risky
Kumekucha asks, “Does Kenya know what she is doing dealing with China?”