Stories about Development from September, 2017
A Pro-Environmental Campaign Pushes the Jamaican Prime Minister’s Public Petition Page Into the Limelight
Cockpit Country is an ecological gem, under threat from bauxite mining. As an online petition to save the area attracts support, Jamaicans find a new way to engage their government.
A 20 Billion Dollar Trade Agreement Between China and Guinea Raises Concerns
"Will this be a mutual agreement? At the moment, we are hanging on the government's every word as they negotiate this without providing many details."
The Unsung Heroes of the 2017 Floods in Mumbai, India
"...I want to ask this government, is the cleanliness of the streets the only important thing? What about the people who do this work?”
Brazil’s Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant License Is Suspended Again
The works are frozen until the hydroelectric plant improves the resettlement housing for the hundreds of displaced families in Altamira, Pará, Brazil.
Puerto Rico, Trapped Between Colonialism and Hurricanes
Irma and Maria's passing and aftermath have once again brought to light Puerto Rico’s primordial conundrum: colonialism.
Estonian President Warns of ‘Self-Occupation,’ Prompting Praise and Political Spin
Estonian president's remarks against close-minded nationalism received different political interpretations abroad, obscuring her focus on the real challenges -- technological change, including the globalization of workforce.
Irma: A Meditation on Hurricanes and the Bahamas
"I do not believe that Bahamians should fear hurricanes the way we do...I believe we should look hard at ourselves and work out why we handle major storms so well."
Local Groups Warn Suicide Is on the Rise Among Iran's Impoverished Arab Ahwazi Community
Ahwazi Arabs experience systematic discrimination in Iran. "There are people who have had to change their first and last hide their Ahwazi Arab identity to get hired."
55 Years After Cutting Ties With Great Britain, Is Trinidad and Tobago Independent or “In Dependence”?
"We have almost all the models we need right here; we have most of the solutions that will move us up to a different level."