Latest posts by Juan Arellano from March, 2008
Peru: Puno Leader Seeking Greater Autonomy for Region
The Regional President of Puno, Hernán Fuentes, has called for increased financial, administrative and political autonomy for one of the poorest regions of Peru. Some local bloggers agree that Puno needs more help in order to combat its high rates of poverty, but wonder whether Fuentes is just following from Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez' playbook, but also note that seeking autonomy is not new within Peru's history.
Peru: Bloggers Provide Thoughts on U.S. Elections
The primary elections in the U.S. have attracted interest from Peruvian bloggers. Some are concentrating on issues that would affect Peru, such as Free-Trade Agreements, while other bloggers compare the systems in both countries. Others are fascinated by the fact that there is a woman and African-American candidate. There is even a curiosity at two lesser-known candidates that have little chance of winning the nomination.