Latest posts by Juan Arellano from August, 2007
Peru: An Opportunity for the Country
In the aftermath of the earthquake in Peru, some bloggers have continued to wonder who is to blame for the disappearance in aid and the sensationalist nature of the coverage. However, others are looking at the disaster as an opportunity for Peruvians to look critically at themselves and at their elected officials in order to make real reforms so that this does not happen again.
Peru: Bloggers From Ica
The city of Ica was particularly hit hard by the recent Peruvian earthquake. Many of the updates and calls for solidarity came from bloggers based in the metropolis of Lima. GV Author, Juan Arellano made it a point to look for bloggers from the city of Ica and found some incredible inside views.
Peru: Online Earthquake Coverage
When disaster hits, many look to television or radio to get their news. However, in Peru, many look to the internet to find out the latest information. Within minutes, the disaster appeared on Wikipedia. Bloggers also provided stories about where they were, when the quake struck and others try to set the record straight regarding misinformation read online.
Peru: Film Festival Poster Brings Cries of Racism
A poster advertising the 2007 Lima Film Festival featured an illustration of several lighter skinned Peruvians, typical of the crowd that the festival might attract. However, one additional attendee on the poster represented a darker skinned Peruvian, who had his back turned. Some bloggers wondered why he was the only one with his back turned and what this represented. This sparked a reaction from the Peruvian blogosphere about the state of racism in the country.
Peru: Celebrating Independence Day
Peruvian bloggers celebrated their country's independence day with tributes to their homeland. On their blogs, they wrote posts highlighting what they love about Peru and reflections about what makes their country unique.