Juan Arellano

I'm peruvian, blogging since 2001 and founder of Blogsperu.com, the first directory of peruvian bloggers. I also contribute or have contributed to: Periodismociudadano.com, informacioncivica.info, Futurechallenges.org.

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Latest posts by Juan Arellano

A Love Letter to Quito

The Bridge  14 February 2014

The first time Juan Arellano visited Quito was quite by chance. After a fourth visit he realises he can't deny it: he's head-over-heels in love with Ecuador's capital.

Global Voices in Sesión de Control

  21 February 2013

We are pleased to announce that, as of a few weeks ago, Sesión de Control, an online Spanish political affairs magazine, is republishing articles from Global Voices on its website.

Colombia: Inspiring videos

  25 January 2011

@coloresmari posts in her blog [es] that she feels inspired when she watches videos by @juancanola and says: “I see people from different communities and regions in Colombia really working,...

Featured Translator: Adriana Gutiérrez

  5 January 2011

Let's meet a translator from Global Voices in Spanish: Adriana Gutiérrez. In this interview she tells us about her activities, how she got involved with the Lingua project and of course, about her beloved country: Venezuela.

Peru: Book About Social Conflicts in Peru

  24 December 2010

Silvio Rendón from GranComboClub analyzed [es] the book “Between economic growth and social dissatisfaction. Social protests in contemporary Peru” [es] by Romeo Grompone and Martin Tanaka. Aside from reviewing the...

Blog Carnival: Colombia, Women and the Web – A Summary

  22 July 2010

There seems to be a concern among Colombian women about defending their rights and about increasing the number of women who can use the Internet and new media to express themselves and take advantage of the benefits this medium offers, like other women do in other countries. This is evident after going over 21 posts submitted for the first carnival of blogs organized by Global Voices in Spanish: Blog Carnival: Colombia, Women on the Web. Take a look at what these bloggers had to say.

Puerto Rico: The Art World Finds a Space

  3 May 2010

In Puerto Rico, the art blogs have become vital spaces of discussion, debate, deliberation, critique and information. They have obtained what other virtual entrepreneurs anxiously desire: to convert their spaces into necessary references and centers of a type of information that you simply can't find in any other place.

Juan Arellano's space

This is my personal blog: Globalizado, my Twitter account and my Instagram account, hope you find interesting them, if not… thanks for the visit anyway.