Juan Arellano · November, 2008

Latest posts by Juan Arellano from November, 2008

Peru: APEC Summit an Opportunity for the Country

  20 November 2008

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum will attract 21 member countries to Lima, Peru, which will have the opportunity to put on display its recent economic accomplishments, investment opportunities, as well as its tourism potential. Many Peruvian bloggers are excited about this showcase opportunity, in spite of the logistical nightmares such a large gathering might produce.

Peru: Art Exhibit Depicting Saints Causes Controversy and Possible Censorship

  17 November 2008

A controversial art exhibit in Lima, Peru portrayed an alternative view of popular Catholic saints. Some were dressed in undergarments and others in modern-day situations. The artist wanted to show a more human side of the religious figures. However, days before the exhibit's conclusion the gallery was closed by the municipal causing cries of censorship.

Peru: New Prime Minister Faces Skepticism

  11 November 2008

After the crisis in the Peruvian cabinet as a result of the scandal involving high-level governmental officials and corruption, President Alan García decided to name a new Prime Minister. Yehude Simon, does not belong to Garcia's APRA party, and he was received with some skepticism, which mainly has to do with the failure of past government officials to make any progress against corruption and for using the same language heard from other politicians in the past.

Juan Arellano's space

This is my personal blog: Globalizado, my Twitter account and my Instagram account, hope you find interesting them, if not… thanks for the visit anyway.