Latest posts by Janet Gunter from May, 2011
Brazil: Crowdfunding Potential
Interest in crowdfunding, a form of online fundraising, has exploded in recent months in Brazil. We survey the scene and the potential of crowd fundraising in a country known for world-renowned social organizing, and creativity.
Mozambique: Portuguese, the Language of Mozambicanness
In Mozambique, while national languages have been introduced into the education system, the decision to ratify the new accord on the Portuguese language is being debated. Global Voices brings together a series of reflections on the role of the language in the construction of a national identity.
Portugal: Adrift, With a Bailout in the Works
The crisis scenario in Portugal, worsened by the fall of the Government in mid March, and consequently the opening of the doors to the "troika" for an international financial bailout, has left the Portuguese judging the path taken over the past three decades, one towards the idea of an open and joined-up Europe.