Latest posts by Janet Gunter from September, 2011
Angola: The Hot Embers of a Repressed Protest
Recent events have shaken Angolan society and the state. After a large police response to the demonstration against the 32 year-long government of José Eduardo dos Santos on September 3, at least 18 were "unjustly convicted" and sentenced to between 45 days and 3 months in prison.
Angola: Videos from Repressed Youth Protest in Luanda
On Saturday, September 3, 2011 a group of around 200 young people assembled in Luanda, Angola to protest lack of freedom and the 32-year reign of President José Eduardo dos Santos. According to witnesses, the protest ended with police beating a number of protesters.
Angola: Personalized video call to protest
A number of political activists made a video call to protest against lack of freedom in Angola for today, September 3. The “32 [years] is a lot” video shows faces...