Latest posts by Janet Gunter from October, 2011
Angola: Voice of America Correspondent in Cabinda Threatened
Voice of America reported that three armed men broke into the backyard of its correspondent in the Angola enclave Cabinda, saying they were looking for José Manuel. He was not...
East Timor: Investing in Creativity and Culture
Barcelona artist David Palazón ended up in East Timor as a break from his career. Now he is coordinating a project to research Timorese culture in hopes of creating a school for the creative industries, to stimulate jobs in the non-oil economy, small businesses, and tourism.
Mozambique: Uniting Small Farmers for a Better Tomorrow
Mr. Júlio dos Santos Pêssego is one of the principal leaders of the "peasant movement" in Niassa province in Mozambique. He helps organize community groups that work to defend land rights, increase food production and bring prosperity to farming families.
Mozambique: Rare photo of President dancing
A photo of President Guebuza dancing has gone “viral” by Mozambican standards on Facebook, with over 500 likes and 440 comments. @ Verdade newspaper photographer Miguel Mangueze captured the rare...
Commemorating Mozambique's Founding Father, Samora Machel
Mozambique commemorates on October 19, 2011, the 25th anniversary of the loss of its founding father and President Samora Machel, who was killed in a plane crash in Mbuzini, South Africa on October 19, 1986. The government declared 2011 the "Year of Samora Machel".
Angola: Youth Protest Movement Consolidates Against Odds
After the imprisonment and sentencing of some of the organizers of the September 3 Angolan protest against the 32-year rule of President José Eduardo dos Santos, the youth movement behind the protest movement has carried on in spite of intimidation.
Cape Verde: Ibrahim Governance prize goes to ex-President
Twitter users react to the Mo Ibrahim Foundation's attribution of this year's Governance Prize to ex-President of Cape Verde Pedro Pires. The $5 million prize dates from 2007 but went...