Jen Psaki, the Russian Internet's Public Enemy No. 1

Is US State Dept Spokesperson Jen Psaki Russia's new Enemy No. 1? Images mixed by Kevin Rothrock.

Is US State Dept Spokesperson Jen Psaki Russia's new Enemy No. 1? Images mixed by Kevin Rothrock.

Russian Internet users love making fun of American political figures. For the past several years, President Barack Obama has undoubtedly been the RuNet’s favorite target, but the tide of mockery has recently shifted to another person in the US government. Russians’ newest victim isn’t the Secretary of State, John Kerry, who has sparred with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, for months now over tensions in Ukraine. And it isn’t Senator John McCain—the hawk who rallied protestors at Kiev’s Independence Square. Neither is it Vice President Joe Biden, whose son accepted a position on the board at Ukraine's largest private gas firm.

The answer is a far less notable figure: Secretary of State Spokesperson Jen Psaki.

As the Ukrainian crisis has developed, Psaki has taken the brunt of anti-Americanism on the RuNet, becoming the subject of numerous photoedited images and videos. Psaki has gained notoriety for her daily press briefings, where she has revealed certain gaps of knowledge, given tangled explanations, and showed her irritation with Russia Today (RT) correspondents. A slideshow on RT’s website shows Psaki’s so-called “most embarrassing fails,” highlighting moments from her press briefings that Internet users have mocked and criticized.

Two of the instances in RT’s montage have received particular attention online. On May 12, Psaki denounced the practice of “carousel voting” during the separatist referendums in Donetsk and Luhansk. When a reporter asked her to define the term, however, Psaki was unable to do so. (Russians are understandably more familiar with this form of voter fraud, as it was widely reported in the 2011 parliamentary elections.)

The Western media largely ignored Psaki’s slip-up, but Russian news agencies offered the story as proof of the US government’s incompetence.

On April 10, Psaki misspoke and immediately corrected herself, when describing energy flows in Europe.

And what that means is there are flows of gas, of natural gas I should say, that go through, from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia, and we—or I’m sorry, the other way—from Russia through Ukraine to Western Europe.

Again, Russian news outlets jumped on the gaffe as evidence of the State Department’s ignorance about Russia’s relationship with Europe.

On the Russian Internet, Psaki’s public persona has taken on a life of its own. Not content with the things Psaki has actually said, some bloggers have scripted fictional statements, imaging how the State Department’s spokesperson might respond to certain news. One such parody depicts Psaki’s reaction to Russia’s victory over the United States in the International Ice Hockey Federation’s World Championship.

Этот матч не имел ничего общего с настоящим хоккеем. В 21 веке нельзя играть в хоккей так, как будто на дворе век 20-й. Имперские амбиции сборной России наглядно продемонстрированы в самих методах ведения игры, как это было в худшие годы существования СССР.

This game had nothing in common with real hockey. In the 21st century, you can’t play hockey as though it were still the 20th century. The Russian team blatantly demonstrated its imperial ambitions in the very way it played, just as it was during the worst years of the USSR.

Several Russia media outlets reprinted this statement, sometimes omitting the fact that it is a work of fiction. 

Others have pretended that Psaki doesn’t understand the basics of European geography.

In the event of a Belarusian invasion of Ukraine, the 6th US Fleet will immediately be deployed to the shores of Belarus.

“Psaki” has become a stigmatizing catch-all term for everything Russians dislike about US foreign policy (especially America’s involvement in Ukraine). And Russians’ Psaki-mania is still growing. On June 2, the pro-Kremlin website Odnako published a blog post titled, “Brave New World, or the Psaki Problem,” where the author quoted Futurist poet Mayakovsky to assert that Jen Psaki, the “archetypical fool,” is the culmination of a problematic Western view of the world. Elsewhere on the Internet, there is a new Russian verb: “psaknut’” (“to Psaki” or “Psakiing”), which means roughly “to say something stupid with an air of cleverness.”

Today, June 5, reports spread through the RuNet claiming that the State Department has fired Jen Psaki, replacing her with Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf. There appears to be no truth to the rumor, which seems to have begun after Harf started delivering the Department’s daily press briefings on June 3, but this hasn't stopped Russian users from flooding Twitter with condolences about the loss of so entertaining a public figure. Thousands have posted messages with the hashtag “#SavePsaki,” feigning support for the RuNet’s Public Enemy No. 1.

Even Russia’s Permanent UN Representative, Vitaly Churkin, got in on the fun today, telling reporters that he “doesn’t know where Psaki has gone off to,” but hopes she will “appear again,” as he’s always “found it very interesting to listen to her.” 


  • Dmitrii Belov

    We have no idea of what “carousel voting” means. The votings in Russia are not anonymous. We need to use our passports. It is absolutely must.

    • MVMnКарусель_(выборы)

      “Суть «карусели» заключается в передаче избирателю перед входом на избирательный участок уже заполненного избирательного бюллетеня, который избиратель должен опустить в урну для голосования, а новый, чистый бюллетень вынести и обменять у организатора «карусели» на деньги или другие материальные ценности (часто — алкогольные напитки)[3][2]. Чистый бюллетень заполняется и отдаётся очередному избирателю.

      При этом методе кульминация подкупа (передача материальных ценностей) происходит после собственно факта голосования, чем этот метод принципиально отличается от большинства других, за исключением метода «фотографирования бюллетеня».

      Этот метод подкупа избирателей известен фактически с самого начала современной истории выборов. В XVIII—XIX веках отмечались случаи, когда избирателю давали заполненный бюллетень вместе с ботинком, а по выносе им чистого бюллетеня отдавали второй ботинок[5].”

  • Sergey Solomakhin

    Yesterday she said that there are mountain resorts in Rostov, Russia. In fact, there are no mountains at all. How can a US official person be so ignorant about what she says?

  • Gumowsky Valdemar

    Can anyone tell some more about the event when she was told to say something about Byelorussian shores? The point is that I’m Russian and I suspect our media of lying and doing wrong translations (being absolutely conscious, I mean, It is not the matter of ignorance, but the matter of barely propaganda), so I assume that very event can be possibly a case of brainwashing and lying.

    • Nady Ovie

      think the same things. but u know, americans in their media do the same – it’s just political instrument to promote things they want to promote

      • Gumowsky Valdemar

        Thx for the answer. Although I doubt US media can be so mean and so low-leveled, to be honest. Concerning Ukrainian crisis, they didn’t lie even in half a way that Russian media did, at least.

      • MVMn

        It’s not just media – many russians seem to enjoy themselves totally bashing Psaki on social networks and the likes. Well, russains – what else to expect. Then _need_ to feel superiority over “dumb americans”.

        I mean, just check the comments below.

  • The Russians are a hateful, stupid, ignorant, disgusting herd of animals. Coming from a native.

  • […] ロシアのネットユーザーたちの間で話題になっている一本のユニークな動画がある。アメリカ国務省のジェン・サキ報道官を非難するインターネットミームのシリーズ[en]最新作だ。 先週の金曜日(訳注:原文は2014年6月25日の記事)6月20日に投稿されたこの動画は、ミハイル・ブルガーコフの同名小説[en]を原作とした1988年のソビエト映画[en]「犬の心臓」のワンシーンが題材となっている。 […]

  • […] サキをターゲットにしたキャンペーンは、ネット上のネタをいくつも作り出した。通常は、彼女の弱点と思われる部分をとらえてネタにするのだが、ロシアのインターネットユーザーは、彼女の記者会見での発言をつぶさにチェックし、小さなミスでもすくい取ってしまう。もし、失言が無いと分かれば、彼らは喜んで彼女の言い間違いをねつ造していた。サキの最も不名誉な失言である「ベラルーシには海岸がある(訳注:ベラルーシは海に面していない)」は、完全に作り話である。サキは決して、そんなことは言っていない。 […]

  • Dmutry

    Psaki is live. Psaki is love.

  • […] a result, she has been skewered by Russia's media and Internet users, who have created slideshows, memes and — after rumors […]

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