Remembering Isadora Duncan

Laura Chertkoff remembers [es] dancer a Isadora Duncan on Un blog sobre pasos y saltos [A blog about steps and jumps] on a new birthday and remebers her troubled visit to Buenos Aires.

En los 50 años que anduvo pisando el planeta tierra, sus pies la trajeron a Buenos Aires en 1916. Nosotros llevábamos apenas 100 años como país independiente. No todos entendieron tanta independencia en un cuerpo de mujer.

On the 50 years she was part of planet Earth, her feet brought her to Buenos Aires in 1916. We had been an independent country for barely a hundred years then. Not everybody understood that much independence in a woman's body.

This post was part of the fourth #LunesDeBlogsGV [Monday of blogs on GV] on May 26, 2014.

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