Largest Earthquake in Recorded History in Japan

This post is part of our special coverage Japan Earthquake 2011.

Photo from March 11 earthquake in Japan shared by @mitsu_1024

Photo from March 11 earthquake in Japan shared by @mitsu_1024 (via

On Friday, March 11, 2011 at 2:46:23 p.m. local time, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan, the largest in recorded history.

Here are some online resources that people are using to get in touch with each other:

Hashtags being used in the Japanese Twittersphere are #sendai and #jishin. #prayforjapan is being used to send prayers in the English Twittersphere.

Many people on Twitter are trying to stay calm and sharing advice, especially based on experience from the Great Hanshin Earthquake or the Chuetsu Earthquake.


【拡散希望】電気屋さんからの忠告!です。 ただ今地震で停電している地帯の方はブレーカーを全て落として下さい。通電されたら小さなブレーカーを一つづつ入れて下さい。漏電ブレーカーが落ちるようでしたら、無理に入れず、電気事業者等に連絡をとって下さい。漏電による火災を防ぎましょう。

Please RT! Advice from electrician: Please shut off the circuit breaker if you're in an area that had power cut off. When the power is back, turn on one by one using the small circuit breakers. If the short-circuit continues, don’t force it, just contact any electric shop for assistance. Try to avoid fire caused by leakage of electricity.


@take23asn 【タンスの下敷きになった人を助ける方法】タンスが頑丈なのは全面と上部、側面だけ。背の面は薄い板でできている。その薄い板を蹴破り、そこからすべての引き出しを抜き取る。そうすれば簡単にタンスを解体できる。

@take23asn “How to save people who got crushed under cabinet : The walls of cabinets which are solid are the front, the top and the side. The back is made with thin board. Kick and break the thin board so that you can pull out all the drawers and dismantle the cabinet easily.


【 緊急 】 手話が必要な方に教えて上げてください。「目で聴くテレビ」でNHKのニュースに手話をつけて放送中。このURLから「緊急災害放送」をクリックしてください。 #jishin #NHK

[Urgent] Please raise your hand for those who need sign language interpreter. Click the following link and check out NHK news “Listen with your eyes TV broadcast.”


FMわぃわぃは多言語で地震・災害情報を放送中。インターネットでも聴けます。 在日外国人の皆さんに伝えてください。 #saigai#eqjp #earthquake

FM wai-wai multilanguage channel (simulradio) broadcasts information on earthquake and disaster. You can listen through internet here. Please pass the message to foreigners in Japan.



Save iPhone battery 1) kill wifi 2) kill GPS 3) kill push notifications 4) kill Bluetooth 5) Turn down brightness 6) Shut down extraneous apps.

@Tranquil_Dragon in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture posted this screenshot:

@wanchan11 posted an image of the flooded Sendai Port:

Some videos from Tokyo:

Many thanks to the GV Japan Team for coming together during the quaking to collaborate on this article.

This post is part of our special coverage Japan Earthquake 2011.


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