Honduras: San José Accord to Settle Crisis

Janpedrano [es] takes a look at the San José Accord, which is the preliminary result from the Costa Rican president Oscar Arias-led negotiations between former Honduran president Manuel Zelaya and the interim president Roberto Micheletti.

1 comment

  • I am very concerned about the U.S. Government getting involved in the internal affairs of Honduras.
    The removal of former president Manual Zelaya was done legally by the Honduran Supreme Court. They found that the election of Zelaya was done by fraud and removed him from office. This is an Honduran internal matter and is not any business of the US or any other country.
    When Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela, there was wide spread evidence that the elections in Venezuela were un- fair and full of fraud. At that time the US said “We can’t get involved-it’s an internal matter for the people of Venezuela to handle”.
    This is a Honduran problen-let then the handle it!
    To all the people of Honduras and President Micheletti stand stong and do’t let the US run your country.
    We, here in the US, are very upset the way President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are treating your country. This is not the real America! A lot of Americans are behind you. As, I said before stand stong and don’t let the US run your country.

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