The Blacklight Arrow comments: “the diaspora, organized and spurred by LTTE front organizations, chants its mantra of concentration camps and Sri Lankan government genocide of the Tamils, ignoring the fact that it is the LTTE, and not the government, that is holding the Wanni Tamils in these inhuman conditions.”
Let us be fair and look at the facts.
UN now says more than 6000 “civilians” were killed from Jan to March and in April more than 2000. Did not Tamils say that long before UN?
Now, UN with satellite images say Sri Lanka bombed the “safe zone” that declared. Did Tamils say that long before?
For most Tamils, Tamil Tigers are genocide resistors and freedom fighters, despite they not always agree with all methods. But, why is that?
The history of Sri Lanka reveals that Tamils were forced to adopt violence, not by a choice.
Yes, today, it is the “barbarism of LTTE terrorism”, yesterday it was the Federal party, before that it was the “favouritism of the British”. It appears that Tamils, who could achieve equality and who, therefore, could live, upset Sinhalese.
For international community, they turn a blind eye under veil of “War on Terror”. If so, why Sri Lanka denies media and aid access? Why it denied visa to Swedish FM? Why Holland decided to recall its aid?
Without the Diaspora and Tamil Tigers, the genocide would have gone unnoticed!
I can understand why the diaspora is crying so much on the innocent civilians still held forcibly by LTTE terrorists.
1. I wonder WHY any of these demonstrators not mentioned a word about more than 100,000 innocent sri lankan tamils fled from terrorists by the help of sri lanka army?
2. Did the diaspora help them of any kind? did they donate any fund for those IDP? If their is so called “Genocide” is there by SL government, how this much of civilians came to government side? UAV videos clearly show how the terrorists firing on fleeing civilians.
The truth is these diaspora people(many went to wastern countries saying they are refugees due to war in sri lanka) concern about their self only. They support LTTE terrorists to continue their cruel war. Then these diaspora can say the western countries still there are problems for they to stay in srilanka and save their jobs, luxurious life styles in those countries. Oh how selfish they are? did any of they said LTTE to release the civilians during the 48 Hrs ceasefire period announced by SL government?
International community should understand who these terror supporters are?
About UN satellite image
Recent American bombardment in Afghanistan killed more than 120 innocent civilians is a very good example of the accuracy of theses satellite images. For more detailed & scientific explanation, visit
for comparison you can visit the same story in BBC site also under south Asia.
I am a Sinhalese born in Srilanka for Sinhalese parents. My father a History professor, informed me many times that we, sinhalese have been done many injustice to Tamils.
Srilankan forces are 99.999 percent Sinhalese. The government of Srilanka uses its forces and criminals to rape all Tamil women irrespective of age inorder to make all become Sinhalese. Further our government chased the Tamils lived in 15,000 square km to 5 sq km by areial bombing and multi barrel shelling from their own home and killed more than 6000 Tamils within last three months and injured around 18,000 Tamils.(Around 8 to 12000 lost their arms, legs and not even have opportunity to get medical facilities. All these people had their own income from farmoing and lived in their own houses. Our government blocked farming and fishing and made these people are refugees and kept them in concentration camps such as Hitler did for political power hungry. UNP Ranil Wicramisinghe is the honest politician. Our government wants to change the law to keep Rajapaksa brothers in power for another 30 years and destroy all other political parties. My friends in the army say they enjoy braking vergin Tamil girls and have all facilities and high pay than even a doctor or engineer earns and better benefits.
In addition our government make Sinhala settlements on the taditional lands of Tamils to create whole Sinhala country of Srilanka. India and China supports these because, we Sinhalese came from North India districts of Pihar and Asam. China is buddhist country. So both support us. Further our government has given oil resources at Mannar in the northern part to China and india.
Above all President Rajapaksa and his brothers are making money out of war. Our government is so corrupt at the expense of war and Tamils will be wiped out in 2 years time from Srilanka. We Sinhalese have lots of blue sex filims taken from Tamil young girls.
In short it is inhuman and injustice to Tamils as a race and human being. It has to be stopped and corrected and true democracy have to be built.