Middle East: Shock and Anger at Mumbai Terror Attacks

This post is part of the Global Voices coverage on the terror attacks in Mumbai, India on November 26, 2008.

Bloggers from the Middle East were quick to respond to the Mumbai terror attacks with shock and anger.

Israeli blogger Yael says the news has developed from “bad to worse” as the size of the calamity unfolded.

She further notes:

It is simply horrifying. We have words like evil and depraved but we really don’t have a vocabulary to describe the depths of depravity for acts like this where just soulless terrorists seek to kill as many innocent civilians as they can. We, who have experienced so many suicide bombings and terrorist attacks against our civilians, grieve with the family and friends of the victims. We grieve with the people of India and share your horror at these heinous acts. My heart is with the people of Mumbai tonight.

From Egypt, Zeinobia, writes:

I feel sad and angry for those terrible acts because I know that innocent people died for no reason and that my country can face such terrible acts.

Watching the terror unfold, she notes:

# This is highly orchestrated work with lots of planning.
# You need highly trained elements to carry out such operation in the same time with no mistake , it is more than 11 people for sure.You do not train them in mountains for sure.
# You need to have a hi-tech telecommunication network can’t be traced to orchestrate the work of these groups in different places.Check the CNN interactive map
#You need lots and lots of information so you choose the correct time and place.

Zeinobia further concludes:

You need an army to do such a dirty job not some Mickey Mouse organization never been heard before !!

From Palestine, The Angry Arab's Comment Section, posts a news link to the story – and one reader is quick to condemn the attacks.

Moyhabin writes:

This is simply awful.

Life-of-Rubin, from Israel a Jewish blogger from New York, US, initially reported that a Rabbi could be among those missing in Mumbai. The blogger later updated the post, saying that the story has been “changing rapidly.”

On the terror attacks, ChaimRubin notes:

Terrible news coming out of India tonight following a terrible terrorist attack, the worst in India’s history.

Stay tuned for more reactions from the Middle East – and the rest of the world, through Global Voices’ Special Coverage page on the attack here.


  • Suhas Waidande

    Now is the time, Mumbai people should stop bragging about the “Mumbai Spirit”. Because, this so called spirit is making our politicians and police force careless, as the businesses keep running and money keeps on pouring. If people strongly condemn this terror attack and refrain from going to work, businesses will be affected and this will bring pressure on politicians, forcing them to take serious measures against terrorism and bettering security. In a way, it is good that these attacks have happened at the 5-star hotels! Don’t get me wrong, but look at the coverage and political attention is being given just because lives of some big shots and foreigners are at stake. The commomn man in mumbai with the “Spirit” has absolute no value in eyes of these politicians. Atleast now we can hope some serious action against terrorism.
    My condolences to all the people who have lost their beloved ones. May God comfort them. God bless you everyone.

  • Suhas Waidande

    This answer is to William Lindfor post –

    God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, is not a human being like us to sit and cry. He observes and will take out all His anger on the Judgement Day.

    End times are near my dear friend and we need to find God within ourselves and not at Holy places. God doesn’t need buildings created by human beings to reside. It’s high time people start searching God than worldly materials. God is giving us a time of grace. We need to make most of it.God Bless you.

  • Every body should understand the point that this is not a time to blame any country or any particular community.Lets talk about how can this be controlled and what need to be done to ensure terrorism is rooted out completely.There is no country which is not victim,its easy to point at some one.To root out the terrorism the whole world has to come together and co operate with each other,stiff law should be enforced against any country that fails to control the terrorism and if found that a particular country is sponsoring ,suuplying weapons ,communication device other equipment ,that country should be isolated,stop business or rest of the country should put serious pressue to contain the terrorist .We need global anti terrorist squad that should act against such extremists and countries should offer full co operation and support to tackle the terrorism.Remember just promising to contain terrorism will not serve the purpose,we need action,action quickly.Let World leaders decide to form Global Anti Terrorism Squad.

  • Every body should understand the point that this is not a time to blame any country or any particular community.Lets talk about how can this be controlled and what need to be done to ensure terrorism is rooted out completely.

    i agree to what people said and have nothing more to comment as evrything has been highlighted here

  • satyanash

    I feel helpless & frustrated coz we are being pawns at the hands of our rotten political system. It seems like an attempt to change the political equation at nxt yrs election at all cost. Those thick skinned politicians hav made us Indians look like cowardly rats in front of all these terrorists & the world. To hell with the spirit of Mumbai & crap called peace it’s about time we retaliate & flush dis @#$%^& terrorists, We need another Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh & Rajguru & to follow their principles. It’s about time for another INQUILAB

  • NRI

    kgc i fully agree with this comment and have been calling for it for a longtime. to be honest i feel this chat topic was setup for this purpose but without the true substance of support by the masses. Israel thank you for your support.

    not only should moderate muslims condemn the events but take active steps to root out the evil from within their communities.

  • shipi

    We all in mumbai i belive are looking into our own life
    we hardly interfear into someones life and would not hurt some in such a manner, but these bastards i donot where are they coming from, they donot have responsible mother or father they live like mosquitoes life who live in gutterr and will die in gutter. Have not learnt something good ever. Why dont u mad people look in to your own life which is full of garbages.

  • Imran

    We in Pakistan are very sorry for tragic events that have taken place in Mumbai and share the grief with those whose loved ones are lost. But for God sake, do not blame Pakistan for everything going wrong in India (at the very outset) without having substantial evidence. Pakistan is a much bigger sufferer (than India) from terrorism, and can do like wise, but restrains itself much much more compared to India. It did not go in good taste the Indian PM pointing fingers at its neighbours. Lets hope sense prevails and such cowardly acts do not overshadow the peace overtures between the two neighbours.

  • P Singh

    one does not needs to be genius to understand who or which country or religious group is responsible for mayhem of innocent indian public going on for last 2 decades. But the new development is that “It is only now that west is realizing who they are”

  • nitin

    v know pakistan is also hit by terror, heck you lost Late Benazir Butto to them… no lesson learnt.
    what is needed is that middle eastern nations should not fund pakistan with millions whenever they touch down in any Gulf Nation… how do we know where their money is going?

    just to make facts clear, Indian Army is one of the greatest in the world after the USA and Russia… n

    what your not getting is that there are still hundreds and hundreds of people still trapped inside, how can any nation launch an army operation in such conditions… and thats why their moving in slowly, n if u see what the rescued are saying, they are all thanking the hotel staff and the commandos who got them out.

    mickey mouse… read the fact written above…n one thing which i think is very important is that WE ARE NOT LIKE THE USA, WE ARE HUMANE, IF WE WERE LIKE THEM… PAKISTAN WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ON THE WORLD MAP TODAY.

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