Taiwan: Support for Tibet

For Tibetan independence movement, most Taiwanese support and sympathize Tibetans, and many people changed their twitter profile figure to the flag of Tibet which represents Tibetan independence movement.

‘Free Tibet’ (Photo courtesy of skydaughter.)

Many artists, writers, musicians, and social movement participants held ‘Bringing love to Tibet’ to pray for Tibetans:


Young volunteers from Taiwan have worked overseas wherever help is needed. Now Tibet is violently oppressed by China, and these young Taiwanese identify ourselves with the Tibetans. We decided to support Tibetans, by our music and poems.

Compared to other countries, Tibetan independence movement has a very special meaning for Taiwan. Most of the discussions are based on empathy, because Taiwan and Tibet are both threatened and manipulated by China. Terry said,


I am afraid of this country (China) due to its past records of cruelty. When I was in high school, there was Tiananmen Square protests. A lot of evidence shows that there was military oppression in Tiananmen square, and many people were killed. Facing this neighbor with blood in its hand, I am afraid and alert.


Many people said that we should not put restrains on ourselves and give up the opportunity of prosperity by doing business with this neighbor since we have the niche of using the same language. However, if the opportunity of prosperity comes with oppression and loss of democracy and freedom, I will choose to be conservative. Living a poor life is all right, if I can speak, breath, and live happily and freely.

Some people reflected Taiwan's history and compared its own oppressed past with Tibetan independence movement. Judie said, Tibetans are in their 228 Massacre.


Tibetans are experiencing their 228 Massacre, making a difficult stand against the foreign ruler.[…] Their independence movement is misunderstood and slandered. The blood from these innocent people keeps running and the hurt is deepened.

Many people criticized the mass media in Taiwan. Jas took blocking the news about Tibet for example and said, because the sources and gatekeepers are different, this independence movement is reported differently.


(China) said there were only ‘a few’ people joining Tiananmen Square protests and there are only ‘a few’ people supporting the independence of Taiwan, and now they referred to the oppressed Tibetans as ‘a few’ again.

Tucci in Germany compared the news about Tibet in Taiwan and Germany, and said the news is obviously less in Taiwan than in Germany.


A country that uses its military to kill the protesters is depreciating and ruining human right.[…] I think this independence movement will be as important as Tiananmen Square protests. However, I am sorry to see the major media in Taiwan did not take it seriously, which is very different from how German media treats it.

Sindia in Beijing talked about the information blockage in China.


Some people asked me how people in Beijing view this Tibetan independence movement. Under this condition, most people in Beijing don't know what happens in Tibet. If some of them know, they only know that some Tibetans evoked violence and hurt innocent Han people, and Dalai Lama have orchestrated it to ruin the Olympic Games in Beijing and for their independence. This is what mass media in China said. In this condition, what do you think people in Beijing can comment?

Although China government blocks the information, due to the advance of technology, some people in China tries to use instant messanger and twitter to see people's comment about the protest in Tibet, even though they are confused or unhappy. A message in zola may show some people's opinions:


What Tibet needs is healthy development, protecting their culture, and solving political issues peacefully. For whoever says we should kill and oppress, if you have Tibetan friends, you will not say so any more.

Annpo asked Chinese friends through twitter, and one of them who worked in Tibet said:


The life condition in Tibet does improve a lot. We can see life in Tibet is better now compared to its neighbors. However, […] can we satisfy people only by making their life better? […] The government provides free education, but the textbooks are Han's textbooks. […] Not all Tibetans support the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. When Lhasa becomes prosperous, my Tibetan friends keep moving out. Can't these observations explain the problem in Tibet?

There are other people caring about Tibet. Reiw in Hong Kong made a detail analysis and zola shared the summary of the news. Chao-Chen Lin, a reporter interviewing Dalai Lama and many Tibetans before, explained the problem of Tibet is due to the failure of conversation between Dalai Lama and Chinese government, and the development brought by China government that destroys their culture.

Acknowledgment: Annpo wrote this article, and I-Fan edited and translated it into English.


  • ifan

    ur chinese friend,
    Your theory is, Mr. Ma and KMT are equal to “uniting with China” and “killing many Taiwanese before.” If they won the election, Taiwanese chose pro-China and killers.
    However, most Taiwanese believe Mr. Ma won the election because Mr. Chen’s government did not work efficiently at least on the media. The change of stoke market is based on the same reason. I guess Mr. Ma himself cannot agree with your over-simplification, either.
    What you tried to infer tells us that even you joined a political campaign, you still have blindspot when you try to describe how a democracy system works.
    About trading with China, I said “as long as the money does not bite us.” We try to find a balance between feeding and defending ourselves. Many countries do business with China although the factories in China pollute our environment a lot, and I believe all of us are trying to find the balance.
    By the way, I think this GVO article is about Tibet. If you want to discuss the problems between Taiwan and China or the presidential election in Taiwan, I recommend you to find a proper online forum to post your opinions.

  • ifan

    History student,
    Maybe you study history, but other people also study history–my friends also study history of China and Tibet. You may study history, but did you talk with Tibetans in Tibet or exiled before? Can you answer the question that why so many Tibetans are exiled?
    I am not Dalai Lama. But if what you said is true, it seems he wins the game and China lost the game this time, no matter you like the result or not.
    By the way, since you do not know me, how can you say my “defending human right” is hollow? Talking here is easy, did you do anything in addition to criticizing western media?

  • History student

    To Ifan:You friends study history of China and Tibet is not
    the same as you study history,I am here arguing with you,
    not your friends.Yes,I have talked with Tibetans many
    times when I was in China and in the west I have also
    listened to Dalai Lama’s speeches and read some of his
    books.You ask “Why so many Tibetans are exiled?” Well,
    hardly as many as the Guomindang,who lost the civil war
    in mainland and escaped to Taiwan.Dalai went to exile
    because he lost in his fight in 1959 and lost his mandate
    in Tibet.I know you are not Dalai Lama,if you were,you
    would be plotting further violent riots against China.
    Dalai lama hasn’t won the game,although people like you
    might wish so,actually has become a lame duck,desperate
    to achieve his goal when he feel his days are numbered.
    I say your claim “Defending human right is a way of
    living” is hollow because your did not specify whose
    human right you want to defend,that’s why I enlisted
    the regions around the globe,whose problems are similar
    to the Tibetan issue.Yes,talking here might be easy
    especially for those who make some seemingly lofty and
    righteous statements but couldn’t provide any viable
    arguement to back up.Yes,I do other things in addition
    to writting here, I have a good regular job in the west
    and lead a decent life,but that does not prevent me
    from loving my motherland and defending my ancestors.
    I don’t know who you are,Do you do anything except
    singing the praise of western media who have been
    delibrately lying about China and the Tibetan riot ?

  • courtesylee

    this report is full of craps!

  • it makes me feel sad if taiwan people support tibet independence.

  • gilllian

    我是留言的第二位.看了我可爱的同胞们的留言,深感祖国之幸运.我也知道大家是根本无法说服你的.但我还是得纠正你的一个big mistake, that is 达赖喇嘛从51年开始一直和班蝉喇嘛是西藏的藏传佛教领导者,53年到北京开会后回到西藏还写了,speaking要将西藏建设成为象祖国内陆一样水平的国家.一直都很好.直到56年,他到印度出席”释迦牟尼”诞辰,他的几个哥哥将他围住,向他灌输”***思想”(当然有美国的介入呢),他很犹豫,后来才有的59年叛乱.叛乱失败后逃到了印度.我看了你的留言,发现你根本就不知道这回事,说什么”I know there is an autonomic government in Tibet, but why does Dalai Lama not have equal opportunity to be the leader of this autonomic government? Moreover, if China government is so kind to Tibetans, why do many Tibetans need to stay in India? “Many of them are exiled to India and their society is resolving. Their culture is vanishing, too.” (不是只有达赖喇嘛,还有班蝉喇嘛呢.我们敬爱的十世班蝉去世已经有一段时间呢,十一世班蝉正在长大)
    “I have been to XingJang and my friends have been to Tibet, and our observation agrees with the statement that the original residents in these areas (Muslims in XingJang and Tibetans) are suppressed and invaded by Han people (with economic force and culture). “说什么呢!你不要在那挑拨民族仇恨,我们和谐着呢.你跟我说课本上的东西不是”golden rule”,至少人们在行为时都会按着被教会的去做.就象西方国家和你台湾的领导教会你们中国是个”邪恶的国家”.
    by the way,你不要一个劲地说”中国的人权有多差”,我看比你们台湾好,至少我们领导主要都在探讨”怎样改善民生问题”.而不是象你们的”两个党派在台上大打出手,被美国媒体感叹—–世间之事真是无其不有.”我说,老兄,与其有那个闲工夫打”口水仗”,不如想想怎样提高”老百姓”的生活水平吧.
    All the best!

  • gilllian


  • gilllian


  • ifan

    Dear friends,
    Talking about human right, a government with fresh blood of its own people is definitely the one who has least human right. How do we help to defend the human right as a foreigner? We talk about it, we spread the news, and we discuss about boycott. How many countries criticize the oppression in Tibet? Dalai Lama may not win the position to govern Tibet, but he definitely wins our support.
    Talking about Taiwan’s human right, we may not have the best record, but we are at least willing to face the truth and make a change. Can China government do this? There is speech freedom in Taiwan, can China government tolerate that? I heard Hu-Jia was sentenced (http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2008/04/02/china-hu-jia-to-be-sentenced-today/). What do you think about it? There are legislators elected by Taiwanese citizens. They argue because they represent different groups of citizens in Taiwan. We solve the conflicts by reasoning, not by military oppression. Taiwanese saw our own people blooding before, and we find a way to prevent the tragedy to happen again. What do the Chinese in China (or not), leading a decent life (or not), think? Do you think China government finds the best way to solve the conflicts in China–by military oppression?
    By the way, History student, I am impressed by how you defend human right–you criticize western media, you live in west, and you lead a decent life. I guess you do defend your own human right and defend the ideology built by China government.

  • gilllian


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