Stories from 20 August 2007
The Global Voices Show #5
[display_podcast] Finally, episode 5 of the Global Voices Show! In this edition we feature excerpts from the following podcasts: Gastronautics – Maldives PodMasti – India J.U.M.P. Radio – Kenya Mideast...
Iran:A homeless family
Faryadeh Sabz (means Green Cry) has published several photos of a homeless family in Tehran.The blogger asks other bloggers to talk about this story and find a solution for them.They...
Bahrain: Camels DO NOT Make Good Pets
Mahmood Al Yousif from Bahrain links to a story from Australia which shows why camels do not make good pets.
Slovenia: Genealogy
The Glory of Carniola writes about the Slovenes’ indifference towards genealogy.
Serbia: Aerial Views of Kosovo
Prishtine: Independence and Kanun posts several aerial views of Kosovo.
Montenegro: Tips for Travellers
Belgrade 2.0 offers a few tips on how to have a good time in Montenegro.
Zambia: challenges and solutions for independent broadcasters
Vincent Maher is live-blogging from Africa Media Leadership Conference 2007: “Daka, telling the personal narrative of his radio station, emphasizes that audience research is the most important thing in starting...
Serbia, Russia: Parliamentary Football
Anegdote writes about a football game that the team of Serbian parliament members lost to the team of Russian Duma deputies.
Iran:Expulsion of Afghan refugees
Hooghoghe Bashar (means human rights) blog says[Fa] that mass expulsion of Afghan refugees is not a solution for Iranian high unemployment.The blog explains that Afghans always did very difficult jobs...
Serbia: SMS Templates
Anegdote shares a joke on the default SMS templates localized for Serbia; here's one item: “Turn on the news, a war is starting.”
Macedonia, Canada: Film Festival
The Macedonian Tendency links to the site of the Second Annual Macedonian Film Festival to be held in Toronto on Oct. 13-14.
Albania: Poetic Grammar
Wu Wei attempts to study some Albanian grammar and concludes that Albanians “must spend a lot of time dreaming or writing poetry.”
The Balkans: Youth Activism
Balkanizer believes that in the Balkans, “it is the youth that should be at the vanguard of social revival and instead they are the most passive part of the society.”
Iran:One year prison for a Doctor
Hesam Firouzi,medical Doctor and human right activist, writes[Fa] “I was condemned to one year prison.”He was accused of “impeding national security”.One of his charges was informing media about bad conditions...
Libya, Bulgaria: Torture of the Tripoli Six
The Balkan Yankee awaits the world's reaction to Libya's acknowledgment of torture of the recently-released Bulgarian medics.
Bangladesh: Floating Classrooms
Voice of South on children learning on boats. “From a single boat in 2002, that provided very basic education to girls who had never been to school before, the project...
Sri Lanka: Cops and Privacy on cops visiting at early morning hours and privacy.
Pakistan: Lal Masjid and after
Metroblogging Islamabad on the impact of the Lal Masjid fiasco on the younger generation.
Be in Oman
Al Mawaali recently moved his blog about Oman to a new domain.
Nepal: Building a House
Wagle Street Journal on building houses in Kathmandu, and on observing “unskilled” labour.
The US Accuses Oman of Trafficking in Persons
Sama Oman wonders about what gives the US the right to accuse Oman of trafficking in persons.