Stories from RuNet Echo from September, 2011

Russia: Controlled Media Support Party Hijacking

  23 September 2011

With Russia’s parliamentary and presidential elections quickly approaching, political battles are becoming an almost daily occurrence. The latest scandal has reminded many bloggers that political celebrities can be discredited as fast as they're pushed into the spotlight.

Russia: Cyber Security Code of Conduct?

  23 September 2011

The Russian government is attempting to spread the system of Internet controls abroad. Russian bloggers are interpreting these attempts as either the current regime's basic self-preservation instinct, or, even more troublesome, as inadequate thinking about the Internet.

Russia: To Vote or Not To Vote?

  15 September 2011

As the Russian parliamentary election approaches, the Internet is fast becoming the main stage for the debate on the election strategy that the Russian opposition should take. Alexey Sidorenko reports.

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