Mailis Rodrigues, a young talented Portuguese women has invented a new musical instrument and now needs help to show it to the world in an annual event to find the world’s best new ideas in musical instrument design:
Hi, I was selected as one of the 20 semi-finalists of the Margaret Guthman competition with my PhD work. This competition chooses the best new music instrument. I have to travel to Atlanta in February to present Intonaspacio, the music instrument that I designed (you can take a look on how it looks like in the photos), to a juri. But I need some help to pay my trip to Atlanta. Please contribute, even if it's just 5 euros it would help me a lot. I can promise to send you a postcard from Atlanta. Thank you so much!
She explains what Intonaspacio is, and shows the instrument in action in the video below:
She has raised so far €1.275,00 out of the €1.500,00 she needs to cover the costs of her trip. To contribute, check her Go Fund Me campaign.
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