On the morning of December 5 in Bangui, heavy weapon fires were heard in several districts of Bangui, the capital city of the Central African Republic. Eye witnesses and journalists are reporting on twitter via the hash tag #Bangui. Here is an update by Vianney Tricou on site at 9:51 am local time :
#Centrafrique #Bangui. Violents combats à Boy-Rabe, quartier Fouh (Hôp de l'Amitié) et Gobongo. Antibalakas présents dans le 4e arrondt.
— Vianney Tricou (@viantricoff) December 5, 2013
Violent clashes in Boy-Rabe, the Fouh district (around Amitié Hospital) and Gobongo district. Antibalakas (ed's note: literally, anti-machettes men, armed men close to former president Bozize) are present in the 4th borough.
@peggybrug posted the following photo of Sekela soldiers patroling the city :
Les ex #seleka patrouillent dans #Bangui #centrafrique situation "très incertaine" selon Unicef sur place pic.twitter.com/YeL8sdG99l
— Peggy Bruguière (@peggybrug) December 5, 2013
Ex-Seleka soldiers in the city. Very worrisome situation in #centrafrique according to UNICEF on site
One of the villagers Issa Roua reports on the recently attacks [fr] via Christophe Boltanski :
Les assaillants étaient près de quarante. Ils venaient des villages environnants. On a reconnu deux d’entre eux. Ils ont encerclé le campement et commencé avec les enfants
There were about forty attackers. They came from close by villages. We recognized some of them. They circled the camp and started with the kids..
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