Indonesia: Bloggers Vs mainstream media on Israel-Palestine issue

The Indonesian mainstream media, especially some Islamic-leaning newspapers and TV stations, react harshly to the current war between Israel and Palestine. Through the media, we can see that some hard-liner groups have conducted ‘military training’ as a preparations for some people to go to Palestine for ‘jihad’ (holy war). The media also reported that the groups have raided some Jewish synagogues and blamed the Jewish in Indonesia to be ‘responsible’ to what's happening in the Gaza strip.

In some mosques, the Friday services also talk about it. Some even see that the conflict is a war between Islam and ‘the enemy of Islam’. Israel represents the Jewish, while the United States which usually in favor for Israel represents ‘the West’ and ‘the Christians’. In a nutshell, they seem to say that in Gaza strip ‘the enemy of Islam’ is currently destroying ‘us’.

Nevertheless, to my surprise, Indonesian bloggers seem to see the conflict differently. They have a much more mature way to see the conflict than most of the Indonesian mainstream media. Take for example a blog called ‘different is not war‘ who has a sound knowledge of the historical background of the conflict.

Bahkan lembaga Internasional sekalipun (dibaca: PBB) tak dapat menghentikan tragedi kemanusiaan di kawasan Timur Tengah khususnya dalam konflik Israel-Palestina. Kedua entitas politik ini telah “bertarung” di kawasan Timur Tengah semenjak berdirinya negara Israel pada tahun 1948.

Even the international institutions (the UN) cannot stop the human tragedy in the Middle East, particularly the Israel-Palestine conflict. These two political entities have been conflicting in the Middle East since the Israeli state established in 1948

Furthermore, he does not see all Israelis are ‘zionists’ who generaly agree with the use of violence against the Palestine.

Anindito Baskoro “Joe” Satrianto, who is a student at the Faculty of Islamic Religion Science, Indonesia Islamic University, also clearly states that the conflict between Israel and Palestine has nothing to do with religions.

Sampai saat ini aku masih nggak bisa nerima kalo besok diramalin bakal beneran ada perang besar antara Muslim dan Yahudi, sekalipun yang bilang gitu itu Nabiku sendiri… Maka seperti kata Hugo Chavez yang berani memulangkan dubes Israel dari negaranya, Israel-Palestina ini bukan konflik agama. Ini konflik kemanusiaan!

Until this moment, I still cannot accept the prophecy that there will be a great war between the Moslems and the Jews, even if my Prophet said so… Thus, like Hugo Chavez, who bravely kicked the Israeli ambassador out of Venezuela, the issue about Israel-Palestine is not a religious conflct. It is a conflict of humanity!

Gantyo Koespradono
also writes about the societies in Palestine and Israel. He mentions that there are Muslims and Christians in Palestine, who both are fighting for their country's freedom.

Berdasarkan sejarah Palestina, generasi demi generasi, mayoritas warga Palestina Muslim dan penduduk Palestina Kristen hidup berdampingan secara damai. Mereka mencintai tanah air yang sama, mereka memiliki cita-cita nasional yang sama pula. Keduanya sama-sama memimpikan kehidupan yang aman dan damai sebagai bangsa yang majemuk…, mereka sama-sama berjuang demi tanah air Palestina yang merdeka, yang adil dan makmur…

Based on the history of Palestine, the majority of the Palestinian Moslems and Christians, over generations, have lived together in peace. They love their common motherland, have the same national goals. Together, both of them dream about life full of peace and security as a plural nation…, they all fight for a free, just and prosperous Palestine…

He further mentions a lot of Christian Palestinian famous figures in history, such as Emil Habibi, George Habash, Azmi Bishara, and Hanan Ashrawi, who have played important roles in the Palestinian politics. Raymonda Tawil, a Christian Palestinian political activist, is also the late Yasser Arafat's mother in law.

In conclusion, the struggle of Palestinians is a fight for freedom and the war is not a religious conflict. Indonesian bloggers seem to be more informed and mature than most of the Indonesian media.


  • Our papers and TV’s insights on the issue became majority in Indonesia and Moslem world as well, although they’re somewhat different from most of Palestinian people perception (represented by the Ambassador) on the same issue.
    The minority insights, like those in some Indonesian blogs, are totally different from what have been alleged by Israeli administrator (let’s say Tzipi Livni)…
    These facts become more interesting to me.

  • unknown

    To NY Yankee no i dont intend to its against my religion while in yours if you have one it isn’t its probably why there no afghanistan iraq or palastine left
    may allah guide us all

  • In Indonesia we have both, pro’s and contra’s. And it’s hard not taking side with one of them.
    I guess it’s easy to be upset or angry to see what’s happening in Gaza. But turn that anger into religious hatred, doesn’t get us anywhere. The same with Indonesian people who justify the killing using “the choosen people” or “the promised land” things.

    There are good and bad people everywhere, on every side. So, don’t hate them for their religion, hate for what they did.

    I have this same thoughts with Joe Satrianto.

    Thanks for the post, Martin.

  • @nina: thanks for your valuable comments. I’ve just visited your blog and read so many interesting posts.

  • Moon Child

    hay nina could u show us/me whos groups in indonesia pro war at gaza strip ?. 100% moslem group pro palestine, 97% local group non moslem pro palestine because its crime against humanity. and other no reaction.

    all media in indonesia its very moderat,every video, record, moment can apply and got here,so we’re in indonesia can see evertyhing in objective view. not like at USA, media contents filtered for people and choose based on interest of state.

    so if u wanna know any information, u can visit and access link from indonesia media.

  • @ moon child : I read some pro war comments on,
    Pro war here means they justify the war in Gaza for whatsoever reasons. I don’t know what their religious view are, whether they’re moslem or not.

    USA and Europe DO have un-biased media. Have you watched 60 minutes’s Bob Simon about Israel’s occupation?

  • moon child

    same like u,we hope all peoples see what happen in gaza is about crime against humanity, and broke prohibited of weapon war by israel based of humaniter rules,not about religion,racist or else.

  • cNNoeaDD

    About INDONESIA and Indonesian people

    I see a transition, the old order, guided democracy, the new order and reform that has been successfully by those who live in the land of Indonesia, namely the sages that are respected and influential since the world undertook Indonesia and which continued to appear until now.

    They named INDONESIA which means no Indonesian people in general.

    Indonesian society on earth to see with his feeling that they can be so successful because they worship the gods and they secretly worship Satan, that is, moon and the star.

    All Indonesian leaders from their communities, it’s because the Indonesian people deal with things, objects, situations in which sensitive that’s why people choose their Indonesian to the welfare of the people are met. When they fall then it’s because his own downfall and if indeed that happens then the people will suffer most and suffering of the people’s capital back beginning of their appearance.

    It is a national phenomenon and people already know that they have the people or devices that were planted to bring the destruction of the enemy when his downfall.

    So, who their real enemies?
    Surely Allah Almighty!

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