China and Japan: Japanese AV in Rural China

Japan AV girl, Nonami Takizawa, came to rural China for shooting adult video. The promotion clip is up at Todu, and netizens from China reacted strongly to the “pollution” bought by Japanese to China. Hegelchong comments that the criticisms are nationalistic and have very strange imagination of rural China (zh). Rural women can be more sexually liberated than urban middle class.


  • Socrates Abroad

    “netizens from China reacted strongly to the ‘pollution’ bought by Japanese to China”

    First, let’s talk about the Chinese reaction…
    I don’t think “strongly” quite captures the essence of comments like “Die Jap chick, go to hell!” [该死的日本妞,滚蛋] courtesy of tudo.

    And as for the Japanese ‘polluting’ China, that’s rich.
    Try a simple search for “girls” on Google China, where result no. 1 is “Today’s Ranking of Pretty Girls” [今日美女排行榜]( hosted by Baidu no less, not exactly a Japanese firm. The photos on the first hit alone (Warning: NSFW) show far, far more than anything in Takizawa’s video. And the girls featured aren’t Japanese, now are they?

    And let’s keep in mind these same Chinese netizens have no problems burning pirate copies of Japanese adult DVDs (found at any PC mart in major cities like Tianjin, Beijing, and Dalian) and hosting a number of risque pictures on mainland websites (try a search for “picture” and “girl” for them).

    Ironic, since such material is supposed to be against the law here…

  • John T.

    C’mon, this is the internet, you can find comments from the Japanese side saying “Chinese should burn”, but heck I’m not going to use that to generalize Japanese reaction. I think in your over-zealous attempt to defend the people who you so wish to identify with, you’ve failed to even watch the video and then understand the reaction (kids these days, too brain-dead to read books when tv came out, and now that the internet’s here, too brain-dead to even watch one minute of a clip).

    Had you watched the video or had any competent Chinese language skills, you would have noticed that the girl, is in fact, mentally retarded. The Chinese netizens, in general, are simply pissed off that the Japanese have exploited the girl for lusts’ sake, and that they are getting the locals roused without them knowing she’s retarded either. I mean, that’s like hooking your friend up with a girl and then later telling him that the girl was his long lost sister. Quite disgusting once you know all the facts!

    To be fair, they don’t mention she’s mentally retarded until later in the clip I think, but you should be able to tell from that nonsensical yammering right at the start and the way she keeps emphasizing random Japanese words in a nasal tone (normal Japanese is generally spoken monotonously). I’ve been told it’s a classic symptom of Japanese ADD, though in Japan there isn’t as much distinction for those with ADD or mental retardation (usually it’s the latter, though).

    Hopefully you learn more about other Asian cultures which haven’t been influenced as much as Chinese (less hate you’ll find in the area).

  • Matt

    Shes a gravure (bikini model) not an AV (porn star). Big difference. And btw, China has a crapload of people, as im sure you know. Is it still 1.3 billion? So even if a very small fraction of Chinese are upset with this video, it can give the illusion that the majority of Chinese are upset which I don’t believe is true.

  • Max

    Isn’t this video SUPER old? Like 2-3 months old?

  • […] story is covered over at Global Voices Online and FG, where I noticed that Chinese bloggers have incorrectly labeled Ms. Takizawa as an AV idol […]

  • Ricky

    Having sex in the public is perfectly legal in any where on Earth. People might just not like it that’s all. I don’t understand why they do av in rural China?

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