Stories about Guinea-Bissau from July, 2010
Guinea-Bissau: The Role of Women
Blog Novas da Guiné Bissau [pt] shares a video preview of Fala di Mindjeris, a documentary about the women of that country. In a different blog, Paula da Costa, talks...
Brazil: Lusophone Countries United at the Theater Stage
For the first time in Brazil, theater groups from East Timor and Sao Tome & Principe will present plays at the FESTLIP (Festival of Portuguese Language) [pt]. The festival taking...
Guinea Bissau: “Kilimanjaro” of Waste
Aly Silva sarcastically announces the Kilimanjaro from Bissau, referring to what he believes to be the biggest pile of garbage in Africa, where even crocodiles can be found. The so-called...
Guinea Bissau: Unfair Trading Promotes Poverty
A mini documentary titled Quem Paga? [Who Pays?, pt] featuring the production of cashew in Guinea Bissau – one of the five poorest countries in the world – unmasks the...