Stories about Guinea-Bissau from January, 2011
Guinea-Bissau: Ready to face the truth?
Journalist Helena Ferro de Gouveia, in her blog Domadora de Leões [Lions Tamer, pt] reflects on what could be the impact if Guinea Bissau decides to create a Truth and...
Lusophone Culture: Buala “Giving Voice” to Contemporary African Cultures
They propose “to create new views, free from prejudice and colonial judgment,” of contemporary African cultures, and in an interview with Global Voices, Marta Lança and Francisca Bagulho talk about the creation of Buala: “an interdisciplinary web portal for reflection, critique and documenting Portuguese-speaking Africa.”
Guinea-Bissau: Construction Works meet Public Health
Guineense, from the blog Made in Bissau [pt], shares two videos from construction works taking place in the main avenue of Guinea Bissau's capital, while describing the poor respiratory conditions...
Lusophone collective conscience and cyberspace
“Lusophony, identity and diversity in the network” [pt] is the title of an article written by the Portuguese researcher Lourdes Macedo (republished in the blog Buala), with reflections on the...