Latest posts by Sinisa Boljanovic from December, 2010
Kosovo, Serbia: Kosovo's PM Accused of Human Organ Trade
Allegations of Kosovo leadership's wartime involvement in the trafficking of human organs were first made public in 2008 - and have re-surfaced now, in a report prepared by a Council of Europe investigator. Sinisa Boljanovic translates some of the netizens' reactions, past and current.
Serbia: The Controversy of the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
Sinisa Boljanovic writes about Serbia's initial decision not to attend the Nobel peace prize ceremony and the controversy it caused.
Serbia: Novelists Participate in “Blog Day” Project
On Dec. 8, one of the Serbian publishing houses launched an interesting project: called Blog Day, it represents a unique example of web activism in Serbia that will be taking place four times a year. The topic of the first Blog Day was Ecology, and over 20 Serbian novelists have posted their contributions.