Latest posts by Sinisa Boljanovic from July, 2008
Serbia: Demonstrators Attack Journalists in Belgrade
Starting with the night when Radovan Karadzic was arrested, nationalist group members and high-ranking officials of the Serbian Radical Party have been gathering in the streets of central Belgrade. Although there were police units nearby, on July 24 the protesters broke several store windows and brutally attacked journalists and cameramen of the "treacherous media." Below are some of the bloggers' responses and other public reactions, compiled and translated by Sinisa Boljanovic.
Serbia: Radovan Karadzic was Disguised as a Doctor
Radovan Karadzic lived in Belgrade under false name of Dragan David Dabic. He was disguised as an alternative medicine doctor and even worked in one private clinic in Belgrade. He also was a contributor to the Healthy Life magazine and took part in forums and lectures, gathering up to several hundred people. At the time of the arrest, Radovan Karadzic (aka Dragan Dabic) had long hair and a white beard. Sinisa Boljanovic translates Serbian bloggers' reactions to this astonishing piece of news.
Serbia: Local Bloggers Discuss the Arrest of Radovan Karadžić
Just a few days after the 13th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica, in which over 7,000 people, most of them Muslim civilians, were killed, Radovan Karadzic, former president of Republika Srpska, is arrested. Many bloggers from the Serbian blogosphere were surprised by the news. Below are the first reactions from some of them.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Anniversaries of Massacres
Every year, bloggers and journalists remind their readers of the tragic events that took place in Bratunac in 1992 and in Srebrenica in 1995. The truth is painful, but nobody should be silent about war crimes. Here is a roundup of several opinions and experiences related to the massacres in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 90's.
Serbia: “Face to Face With Digitalization”
The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia elected a new government a few days ago. The basic goals now are for the new Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic to strive for European integration, defend Kosovo, strengthen the economy and social responsibility, step up the struggle against corruption and crime, and fulfill Serbia’s international commitments. Bloggers have paid attention to this event. However, one of them was also thinking about a very important issue for the government, something the new Prime Minister has so far failed to address: the digitalization of Serbia.