This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.

Thumbs up to soldiers who let us walk in peace. Cairo, Egypt. Photo by TravellerW, copyright ©Demotix 26/01/2011
Netizens from around the world are holding their breath, as widespread demonstrations are scheduled to begin in Egypt in less than an hour. International support is overwhelming, as well as a clear defiance to back Egyptian protesters and make their voices heard despite the total information blackout.
With the Internet services blocked in the country, a first for the world, phone lines jammed and international reporters harassed and locked up in their hotels, Egyptian netizens are going back to basics to make their voices heard. Supporters from around the world will be calling their contacts and recording their testimonies and spreading the information online.
Mohannad tweets:
In less an hour, a future-shaping long day of protests is about to start. God give them strength and courage. #Jan25 #fb
Mireille Raad, from Lebanon, adds:
UAE's Sultan Al Qassemi reminds us:
RT @SultanAlQassemi: now noon in Egypt. Friday prayers start at 12:08 today (in a few minutes) in Cairo's 4000 mosques #Jan25 (UTC/GMT +2)
And he adds:
Friday prayer services usually last for 20-30 minutes, so should end in 45 minutes or so depending on where in Cairo the mosque is located.
Draddee notes:
Friday prayers in Egypt will be starting an a few mins. Protests should kick off in 1 hr. ElBaradei will reportedly be at AlAzhar #Jan25
Meanwhile, more news of a total news blackout are being reported. @25Egypt says:
Najib Cherif adds:
RT @ArabRevolution: RT @najibcherif #Egypt:Foreign journalists are not allowed to leave their hotels #jan25
CNN's Ben reports:
Just saw blue fiat entering main tv building in Maspiro when guards opened trunk, full of baseball bats. Car allowed in
And Tim Marshall adds:
#Egypt Counter terror forces now deployed in streets around Tahrir Sq.
Meanwhile, Sarah El Sirgany appeals to people with access to Egypt's only working isp to support the protests:
If anyone has nour isp anywhere please leave wireless service open without password. It'll help. #jan25
Worldwide support is continuing as well in the form of sit-ins and protests outside Egyptian Embassies. From Jordan, @7iber announces:
Goin 2 protest downtown @ 1 pm & next to Egyptian Embassy @ 4pm? Send photos&videos 2 editor[at]7iber[dot]com #ReformJO #Jan25
South Africa's Khadija Patel adds:
This is what I've managed to learn about the planned protest at the Egyptian embassy in Pretoria today: #Egypt #Jan25
And Dubai-based Abbas Al Lawati informs us:
Attempted rally at Egyptian consulate in Dubai. 20 ppl dispersed by police. Cop tells me to write about stormy weather instead #Jan25
And there is more news. Wikileaks just released its first batch of new Egyptian cables!
@wikileaks announces:
WikiLeaks releases first batch of new Egyption cables
Is this really a revolution which will not be tweeted?
This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.
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