Russia: Initial Coverage of the Moscow Subway Bombings

Moscow's Monday morning routine was broken today by two subway suicide bombings [EN], which took the lives of at least 38 and wounded at least 70 people (many victims were students, aged below 40). The suicide explosions were carried out by two women allegedly affiliated with the North Caucasus rebels [EN]. Bloggers were among the first to spread the word about the tragic event, becoming the only stable media while major news websites stopped responding due to high traffic and TV channels were too slow to prepare any material on time. As Twitter user Krassnova noticed [RUS], Twitter hashtag #metro29 [RUS, EN] had 40 tweets per second while TV channels managed to prepare just 4 stories. In less than a couple of hours a website has been installed to cover the events.

One of the first bloggers to tell the news was Marina Litvinovich (aka LJ user abstract2001), an opposition blogger, who posted photos from Lubyanka subway station [RUS], where the first blast occurred:

Lobby of "Lubyanka" Subway Station, photo by abstract2001

Lobby of "Lubyanka" Subway Station, photo by abstract2001

Here's also a YouTube video of the evacuation of passengers from Park Kultury subway station, where the second explosion took place, posted by user baranovweb:

Temporary information and transportation collapse followed. As terrified Muscovites started to check if their friends or relatives were alive, cellphone network in the centre of Moscow went down. LJ user offnet complained that one of the reasons for the cell phone network blackout was a bureaucratic routine that required mounting an extra re-translator cell stations even in extreme situations. Habrahabr user rubyrabbit made a complete log of the major news website blackouts.

The Sokolnicheskaya (red) subway line was completely closed down due to investigations. Bloggers posted a video of the jam at Komsomolskaya station. At the same time people were cautious about using metro at all, even though other subway lines remained open. Popular blogger Nikolay Danilov (aka LJ user nlposted pictures of the crowds [RUS] of commuters marching to their workplaces:

Muscovites getting to their workplaces, photo by Nikolay Danilov (nl)

Muscovites getting to their workplaces, photo by Nikolay Danilov (nl)

TV channels were not only slow but have also been accused for the lack of adequate attitude in their coverage of the event. Another popular blogger, Anton Nossik (aka LJ user dolboeb), wrote [RUS]:

в 12:00 по Первому каналу начался плановый выпуск новостей. Не спеша, рассказывают о взрывах метро в Токио (1995), Баку, Париже, Дюссельдорфе, Лондоне, о соболезнованиях Януковича, депутатов Верховной Рады, Ангелы Меркель, передают заявление Бернара Кушнера. Затем скороговоркой дали recap, довольно чёткий, всех основных событий в Москве, длиной в полторы минуты: 35 погибших, 70 раненых, метро не ходит от Комсомольской до Спортивной, в центре города пробки, правительство требует усилить безопасность всех российских аэропортов. На минуту включили Тимура Серазиева с Лубянской площади, и тут же пошла реклама здоровой пищи, пепси-колы, какого-то Антистакса, шоколада «Вдохновение», сока «Любимый»,синтетических моторных масел Mobil1, средства для мытья окон, нового йогурта «Яблоко Мюсли», Афобазола от тревоги и напряжения, кофе Jakobs Monarch, хлопьев от Nestle с цельными злаками. Каждый из роликов был длинней прямого включения с Лубянки. После завершения семиминутной рекламной паузы досрочно началось часовое ток-шоу «Участок».

At 12:00, Channel One began their regular news programme. Without any hurry, they told about subway bombings in Tokio (1995), Baku, Paris, Dusselsdorf, London, about [the Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich]'s condolences, about the condolences sent by [Ukrainian lawmakers], by Angela Merkel, Bernard Kushner. Then, very quickly, they gave a short report of all the major events in Moscow, one and a half minute long: 35 dead, 70 wounded, metro doesn't function from Komsomolskaya to Sportivnaya, there're traffic jams in the center, government demanding to increase security in all Russian airports. For a couple of seconds, they had [reporter] Timur Seraziev reporting live from Lubyanka Square, and then they turned on the advertisements of healthy food, Pepsi, some Antistax, chocolate Inspiration, juice The Loved One, synthetic oils Mobil1, window washing substance, new yogurt Apple Musli, Afobazol – a cure for anxiety and pressure, coffee Jacobs Monarch, wholegrain Nestle cornflakes. Each of these ads was longer than the live report from Lubyanka. After the end of a 7-minute ad break, they started an unscheduled talk-shaw “District.”

Both bloggers and news portals helped to fill the information vacuum. News portal posted a photo gallery [RUS] that included pictures of the blown-up subway train cars [RUS]. LJ user seg_o posted pictures [RUS] from the area near Park Kultury metro station. Both BBC and the Guardian set up their liveblogging page – LiveBlog [EN] and Live Coverage [EN] – tracking every major event happening. LiveJournal opened up a special channel [RUS] to cover the topic. Below are some of the reports from those who survived the explosions:


Я работаю на Лубянке. В школе. Начинаю работать в 8. В 7.50 я приехала на Кузнецкий Мост. Хотела перейти на Лубянку, но там всё было в думу, людей не пускали. Вышла через Кузнецкий Мост. На Лубянской площаде сразу же всё перегородили, приехали спасатели. На работе до сих пор кризисная ситуация. Родители звонят, беспокоятся, мамы плачут. Это ужасно.

I work at Lubyanka. At school. I start at 8. At 7:50 I arrived to Kuznetsky Most (subway station). I wanted to switch to Lubyanka, but everything was in smoke there, people were not allowed in. I went out at Kuznetsky most. On Lubynka Square they blocked everything, rescue teams arrived. We have a critical situation here at work. Parents call, very nervous, moms are crying. This is horrible.


Время 14.40. Я только-только собрала в кучу голову. Меня перестало трясти, когда я встаю со стула, и я больше не плачу. Пытаюсь заставить себя поработать.

It's 14:40. I've just managed to pull myself together. I no longer tremble when I get up from the chair, I don't cry anymore. I'm trying to make myself work.


Выхожу на Парке Культуры. Поднимаюсь уже было к выходу. Рядом идут сотрудники милиции. К ним обращается какая-то женщина:
-Что случилось то?
-Ой, да авария какая-то, технические причины.
В эту же секунду прогремел взрыв.
Противоположный от моего поезд, по направлению к станции Кропоткинская.
Взорвался где-то в середине.
Людей было не много, давки не было. Но взрыв очень мощный. Не сомневаюсь, эта бомба – военного стандарта.

I was on my way out at Park Kultury (subway station). Was about to exit the subway. Police officers are walking next to me. A woman asks them:
– What's happened?
– Well, some accident, technical reasons.
And at this very moment an explosion roared. On the train going in the opposite direction, towards Kropotkinskaya station. Exploded somewhere in the middle. There were not so many people, no stempede. But the explosion was very powerful. No doubt this bomb is a military-standard bomb.


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