Stories from 12 November 2008
Bangladesh: Sex scandal in College
Bangladesh Blogger reports: “Female students of BCIC College, Dhaka have accused their male teachers of sexual harassment, which has led to the arrest of several students and teachers.”
Pakistan: U.S. Aid Worker killed
CHUP! – Changing Up Pakistan reports on the assassination of U.S. Aid Worker in North West Pakistan: “Media outlets are implying that the Pakistani Taliban may have perpetrated the assassination.”
India: Stop Cutting Trees in Bangalore
Rajesh at Non Stop Goli writes about a protest march in Bangalore against cutting trees for widening the roads and for the Metro. He also posts pictures of the protest.
Bangladesh: Chittagong as Business Capital
Bangladesh Corporate Blog lists the reasons why Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh should be declared as the Business capital of the country.
Nicaragua: Online Radio Stations
Nimrod lists some of the Nicaraguan online radio stations [es] that can be found using the Winamp music player.
Nagorno Karabakh: Obstacles & Contradictions
Despite initial skepticism from some bloggers, reported momentum towards a possible breakthrough in negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh, my The Caucasian Knot details...
Panama: Recipe for Tri-Color Shortbread
Chef Melissa of the Cooking Diva Blog provides a tribute to Panama with a recipe for Tri-Color Shortbread featuring the colors of the Panamanian flag.
Jerusalem: Unholy Behavior
Yerevan Journal says that despite reported momentum in the peace process to resolve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the number one talking point on the streets of the Armenian capital is...
Dominican Republic: Frequent Blackouts Impede Progress
The Dominican Republic is suffering through frequent blackouts and Rocío Díaz of Monaco [es] writes that “without electricity, there is no progress.”
Syria: Bloggers Unite to Read
For the first time in the Syrian blogosphere, local Syrian bloggers have came up with a refreshing idea; forming an online book club in which they decide on reading a...
Egypt: Mother incriminated in a case of FGM
On May 23, in a post titled The Victimization of Egyptian Women and Children, I quoted Fantasia – a girl who dreams of a better future for Egyptian women –...
Syria: Unprofessional Websites
Salam [AR] lists in this post problems most Arabic internet users face as they're viewing Arabic websites. He argues that the reason behind such problems is mostly due to the...
Georgia: Dating & Parties
Ben Sweeney’s Weblog continues to experience life as a Fulbright Scholar in Georgia and keeps readers updated on the local culture in the capital, Tbilisi. Yesterday was the turn of...
Haiti: School Search & Rescue Ends
The Haitian Blogger attempts “to bring some perspective to the La Promesse school disaster in Petion-Ville”, while Haiti Innovation reports that search and rescue operations have ceased and that “there...
Puerto Rico, U.S.A.: Gay Marriage
“When I found out California and Florida were state's #29 and #30 in the banning of same-sex marriage, I was aghast”: Puerto Rican blogger Liza says that “the problem with...
Haiti, D.R.: Racial Tension
Cuaderno Latinoamericano reports that racial tension is growing in the Dominican Republic as a result of a Haitian village near the border being attacked by Dominicans “seeking revenge for a...
Japan: Umbrella Loudspeaker
Edo from Pink Tentacle introduces a new design that turns umbrella into loudspeaker.
Japan: Public Violence Police
Niphonese posted a youtube video that shows how public violence police repressed citizen's right to protest. The music video editor urged people to release the video and demanded the government...
Trinidad & Tobago: Is this Development?
Trinidadian blogger Coffeewallah finds it “distasteful on so many levels that a man could be reduced to less than my dog, that as a nation stumbling towards what we call...
Cuba: Activist Released
Uncommon Sense says that a Cuban human rights activist has been released from prison “after serving 3 years in prison for being a ‘pre-criminal social danger’ because of his human...
Philippines: Reproductive Health debate
Should the Philippine Congress approve the Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008? The Catholic Church opposes the measure. Many scholars and cause oriented groups are supporting it. What are the views of Filipino bloggers?