It may seem like a cruel April Fool's joke, but it isn't: after dozens of years without change, the prices of many staple foods in Japan are set to rise steeply this month [ja], following a trend that began with the price of bread, constant for 24 years [ja] but already up more than 10% [ja] over the past year. The coming changes have spurred fears of a major shake-up in the industry, motivating renewed efforts at increasing the country's record low self-sufficiency rate and convincing some to return to traditional Japanese foods [ja].
April 1st, the start of the new fiscal year in Japan, marks the day when a number of changes come into effect. Unchanged for 30 years, the price of milk will see an increase, as will the price of many other food commodities, including beer, shoyu (soy sauce) and cooking oil [ja], not to mention more luxurious items like ice cream [ja]. With changes also in Japan's health care system and (at least momentarily) the end of the country's provisional gasoline tax, there is no lack of uncertainty regarding the upcoming transition in the economy. A recent survey nonetheless showed that while Japanese feel that a hike in food prices will cause great problems, if the hike is for the sake of food safety, then they consider it “unavoidable”.
Milk in Japanese supermarket
Bread in Japanese supermarket
Blogger Kagemusha (影武者) describes the basic situation:
The coincidence of the timing of the price hike did not go unnoticed, as blogger YUtoKEI points out:
While some bloggers have suggested the solution to the food crisis in Japan is to grow one's own food, many others have taken the move of stocking up early [ja], a plan that blogger hanamaru2224 considers:
Can't stock up on milk though (^^;)
In a post entitled “March 31st, change”, blogger psw_fragile reflects on all the transitions in Japan, including a change in the font size of newspapers to accommodate an aging population and the yearly April rush of new graduates into the work force:
Tomorrow is April, and we change to the new fiscal year.
In this new fiscal year of 2008, it seems like we are entering a year in which changes will be felt that are unlike anything that has come before.
The sudden price hike in crude oil will all of a sudden increase the price of food commodities.
The price of gasoline will also suddenly go up.
And then, from today, the font size of newspapers is also changing, there are lots of new employees, lots of stickers for new car drivers…
Blogger DeepSky, meanwhile, delves deeper into the unique challenge facing Japanese:
Australia is 237%, Canada 145%, USA 128%, France 122%, Germany 84%, England 70%, Italy 62%, Switzerland 49%, South Korea 47%, Japan 39%.
With the exception, among grains, of rice, for which self-sufficiency is 100% (and even here, this [industry] is also on the brink of collapse), [Japan] depends on imports for the majority [of its food intake].
Above all, we are importing 96% of corn from a certain country, do you know which one?
There are more and more farmers who are switching to planting corn, and the production of soya beans and wheat are decreasing.
Furthermore, with the increasing influence of expanding demand in China, where there is considerable growth with the Beijing Olympics bubble (LOL), and the decrease in wheat production in Australia as a result of the Big Dry, the market price of corn and soya beans has jumped in 3 years to 2.5 times its original price, while wheat has jumped to 3 times its original price.
As a country with a low degree of self-sufficiency, this is why Japan is taking such a beating from the sudden hike in grain prices and difficulties with supply.
Blogger yuujii_1946 spells out what needs to happen in order to confront this situation:
Blogger plasticpaper263, in contrast, points the finger at a different group:
Finally, blogger jf3mwqinasaku sums up the situation this way:
もはや お金さえあれば 海外から食料を調達できる時代は過去のものとなりつ
つもあります利便性だけでムダの多い日本の食糧事情 その大半を安い海外の原材料と労働力
にたより捨てる部分の多い不効率さ経済の原則も大事だけど それも考え直さないと行けない時期にきているのかも
The age in which we were able to get our food from overseas just by having money will soon be a thing of the past.
Japan's food situation, just convenience, and lots of waste.
The inefficiency of having to rely on cheap ingredients and labor from overseas, and of throwing away so much.
Economic principles are important, but the time has come that we need to reevaluate them.