Egypt: Why is Israel Scared?

“I can't find a reason why Israel is so scared that any Arab or Islamic country would own a nuclear program !! Seriously I do not find a good reason to all what the Israelis are doing whether from leading the world against Iran or attacking Egypt and KSA for their announcement that they would start a peaceful nuclear program,” writes Egyptian blogger Zeinobia.


  • Abe Bird

    I think that Israel has the full justice to be afraid of the Muslim’s nuke because Arabs / Muslims don’t stop to talk about the B-omb and threatening each other to use it….. and Israel may have a bomb but doesn’t threatening no one and keeps hers mouth shot !!!

  • sherif

    I agree with Amira, the US should allow all the middle eastern countries to have nuclear weapons, and then wait and watch them bomb each other to oblivion, and then come in and scoop the oil for pennies.

  • Doctorxxx

    with all the respect to all the jews around the world…..but fairly…..who occupied where the WW II? Did not the palestinian welcome the deported jews from europe? which group was in majority after the colonial brits left the palestine? israelis or the palestinian? to whom they offered the government? to israelis or palestinian. if you look more carefully into the history…again with full respect to jews but we all know the they were deported jews from europe who occupied and illegally bought the lands of palestinians and then kick them out of their land. have you ever thought what does the flag of israel mean? no? it means from nile to euphrate is the their holy land and tell me that they are not offending anybody. by the way whose leader was in the black list of interpol for years? wasnt he the one-eyed moshe dayan? the great terrorist? why if they are a peacefull nation do not sign the NPT and do not declare their nuclear arsenal? during the past 100 years or more…iranians did not attack any other nations….even before except the pre islamic era…only for defence purposes. but israel since its birth is in war with its neighbours. what would you do if someone comes and kick you out of your house, slapping you in your face? kissing him and say welcome? here is my wife and doughter…so you can have fun after kicking us out of our land? no, of course not….fighting them bak for your right. i am not in favour of conflict but we have to also consider the negative role of arab leaders escpecially jamal abdul nasser! instead of supporting the 49% given to palestinians and 50% to israelis and instead of preparing the common ground for a peacefull federation…they fueled the conflict for more than half a century. both sides of course!!!
    who did the iranians attack…..iranian leadership for almost 30 years is saying that they want to wipe israel off the map. i dont know if you remember the moto of khomeini that the way to jerusalem passes through karbala (in Iraq). those words were not offensive? even then the main supporter of iran and arm supplier of iran during the 8 years war with saddam was israel. and today they say that we are their archfoe enemy??? c mon, give me a break…this is all dirty poltics people…
    i hope we will see finally a peaceful middle east where everybody live with eachother in peace and harmony without arabs provoking and initiating any wrong doings. god bless palestinians, israelis and all the people in the middle east especially the great persian nation. and remember the last thing……first time freedom was given to the israelis thousands of years before by the great persian (aryan) king….so persian a israelis have ties deep into the history and they were not, are not and will never be enemies except for the minority russian borns who everybody is familiar with their aggressive and racist policies.
    god bless you all

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