11 June 2007

Stories from 11 June 2007

Bahrain: It's Your FAULT

“By default, a constitutional, absolute monarchy is absolutely fault- free, unless royally decreed otherwise. So, a gentle public service reminder to fellow commoners of this faultfreeocracy: Next time you want to open your mouth to complain about key thing or turn your accusatory finger at key person, you better double...

Egypt: Call for Pessimists

“Ok, the idea is simple, me and some of my friends started to notice how we have a different look on the world, more specific a pessimistic look. I was discussing with one of my pessimistic friends about creating a group to gather us and speak about our different ideas,...

Bulgaria: Preparing for Bush's Arrival

Eternal Remont writes about Bulgaria's baby boom – and “about the only possible topic of conversation in Sofia these days: Bush.” Preparations for the U.S. president's June 11 visit were painstaking: “For two days, Sofia will be under a blockade and everyone gets the day off. The highways will be...

Albania: Bush's Visit

Our Man in Tirana has lots of posts on the preparation for George W. Bush's June 10 arrival to Albania and on the visit itself. Stepping Stones and All about Albania also write and post the day's pictures.

Bahrain: Spammers Not Welcome

Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif, who manages Bahrain Blog Central, has had it with spammers. “I’m sorry to let you know that I have disabled the automatic and instantaneous sign-up and blog creation due to the number of “spam blogs” being created. For the time being, please fill in the...

Jordan: Where Does Your Salary Go?

“You never really understand the plight of Jordan until you actually try and make a living here and experience just how quickly your monthly salary disappears. It’s absolutely terrible. The difficulty of attempting to save anything at all. What’s worse is where it goes. I have absolutely no idea. I...

Libya: Blogger's Son in Accident

“I hadn't seen Trabilsia, who has the blog Tripoli Ghibli online for a while and was wondering what was up. Finally got hold of her and found out that her son Tarek was in a serious car accident last Friday. He was in ICU for 2 days but is stable...

Algerian blogger taken to court

Today, June 11th, 2007, will be the first time that an Algerian blogger is being taken to court for articles posted on his personnel blog. Abdulsalam Baroudi is being sued by Tlemcen’s Director of Religious Affairs, who has accused him of posting defamatory material on his personal blog on February...

Ukraine: Economy

Orange Ukraine writes about the problems and successes of Ukraine's economy: “Furthermore, as much progress as has been made, some sectors of the economy are still sadly backwards. The prime example is the grain market, still subject to grossly inefficient government quotas and bureaucratic meddling.”

Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome

Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God...Marshmallow26 after narrowly missing a roadside bomb this week
What can I say? Another week full of essential reads. There is no need for an introduction they are all important and worth reading so let's begin...

South Africa: bike sales benefitting the environment

  11 June 2007

Greencars writes about the rise in bikes sales in South Africa and the possible positive effect on the environment: “Still, in the face of dwindling car sales, it’s a positive sign that bike sales are on the increase – a motorcycle culture in South Africa will reduce our vehicle-related pollution...

Africa: comparative advantage in agricultural sector

  11 June 2007

Hector Mongi writes about a recent study into agricultural investments in the Sub-Saharan Africa: “[Stephen] Were Omamo and his co-authors are suggesting areas of investment and type of crops that will have a sound comparative advantage for each country in the Region. The research shows that Tanzania has comparative advantage...

  11 June 2007

Ainashe disputes the claim by the Somali Prime Minister that Ethiopia is Somali's best friend: “Contrary to what the Prime Minister said, and I must say, with all accounts, Ethiopia has always been, and continues to be Somalia’s worst enemy. Unless one is blind-folded by myopic tribalist agenda, personal greed...

Malawi: exotic species in Lake Malawi

  11 June 2007

Hastings Zidana discusses the implications of the introduction of exotic species in Lake Malawi: “The introduction of exotic fish species to areas where they do not naturally belong is a global problem. Apart from cases of exotic species, there are also many more cases of species transplant within the same...

Myanmar: House Arrest Yourself for a Day

  11 June 2007

Moe Moe is asking readers to support US Campaign for Burma's plan to stay locked up for 24 hours, on June 16 or 17, as though you were under house arrest in support of the Aung San Suu Kyi. The ruling junta in Myanmar recently extended the pro-democracy leader's house...

Malaysia: Religious Scholars in Tourism Industry

  11 June 2007

A Malaysian minister is proposing that Malaysian students attending religious schools in Egypt master Arabic language. The minister hopes that they will be able to serve the tourism industry in Malaysia. Malaysia has seen number of Arab tourists increase in recent years. MarinaM does not like this idea. “Nor do...