Petitions for jailed Iranian bloggers


The Committe to Protect Bloggers has an online petition calling for charges to be dropped against jailed Iranian blogger Omid Sheikhan. Click through to the links with more information on his case and offer your support if you agree with the cause.


The CPB also has a petition campaign for blogger Mojtaba Saminejad, who was recently given a 2-year prison sentence. According to Reporters Without Borders:

He will appear in court again on 22 June to be tried on a charge of “insulting the prophets and the holy imams.” This extremely serious accusation could result in his being found guilty of apostasy, which carries the death penalty under article 512 of the Islamic criminal code.


  • Could anybody provide a website? You see, was blocked by china government several years ago.

  • John Adlatus

    In a country that has no place for an open voice, the voices speaking must remain descrete, in exile or somewhere in switzerland in order to publish. Well that fella got caught! And I hope, if ge gets out, he’ll be typing from a secure location…Good luck bud!

  • Carnival of the Revolutions

    Welcome to Siberian Light for the latest weekly Carnival of the Revolutions, where we aim to give you a sampling of how democracy is marching forwards (and sometimes backwards) in the world today.

  • Time is ripe to tell The Mullahs and Imams and their devouts the world over
    this divine truth;-“It is not the duty of man to fight for God,rather,It is the duty
    of GOD to fight for us mortals”;- As such Motjaba Saminejad should be allowed to face
    the wrath of God, if indded he has incurred the wrath of God.When the mullahs and
    Imams are insulted it is GOD who has been insulted(if indeed they are called to duty by GOD)
    Therefore,it is in vain that men scheme to claim the authority of GOD.
    Finally,the Imams and mullahs and other religious leaders should place such cases before God and not before the
    Islamic courts, etc(one of the by-products of mans quest for self realisation).
    All of humanity,irrespective of religious and political affiliation should endeavour
    to keep an eye on our limitations as men, to enable us find grace to forgive and carry on.
    We are all children of one GOD( moslems,christians,jews,hindu etc).
    Some of our religious leaders and politicians define and interprets religion and politics
    to suit their inner longings for self aggradisement and esteem.
    We must not allow ourselves to be led into the pit by the proverbial blindman (blindmen and women)disguised
    as politicians and religiuos leaders.

  • I have a great website for you guys. I am currently also working on a list of all Iranian Political prisoners, bloggers in particular. If you can think of any good websites, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


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