Latest posts by Raquel Marin
Does Venezuela's Smiling Tourism Cartoon ‘Cheverito’ Ignore the Country's Grim Realities?
In less than one week, 'Cheverito', the cartoon character created by the Ministry of Tourism to boost tourism in Venezuela, was the center of criticism, attack and debates.
Spanish Radio Report Captures History of ‘the Freaks’, Havana's Biggest Metal and Punk Fans
This is the music of an entire generation who pushed aside socialism to play the music that they desired, and to dress as they pleased, regardless of the consequences.
Latin America’s World Cup Lessons
In this article, Global Voices continues its look at the relationship between the hosting the World Cup and social unrest.
Simón Bolívar, Esteemed Liberator or Infamous Dictator?
"It is harder to maintain the balance of freedom than it is to endure the weight of tyranny," said Simón Bolívar, known as the "Liberator" of many South American countries.
Sonia Ordóñez, Translating Threats to Free Expression Online for Global Voices Advocacy
Global Voices depends on its hard-working team of volunteer translators like Sonia Ordóñez, who has devoted most of her time to translating Advocacy stories.
On the Walls and the Web, A Venezuelan Art Collective Supports Socialism
In their blog titled No Sabemos Disparar, a group promotes and illustrates their urban action in different communities within and outside of the Venezuelan capital.
Spanish Soldier Who Penned a Best-Selling Novel About Military Corruption Gets Jail Time
Luis Segura, a lieutenant in the Spanish army, is in prison for criticizing the military during interviews for his novel "Un paso al frente" (A step forward).
These ‘Poets With a Cause’ Are Defending Social Justice in Crisis-Hit Puerto Rico
"Poetas en Marcha is Felipe the janitor, Sofia the overworked and underpaid secretary, the young adults laughing while having a beer after their final exams, the noble lady selling fruit."
Meet Lourdes Sada, a Global Voices Volunteer Who Has Worked on More Than 400 Stories in Two Years
Learn a little bit more about Lourdes Sada, one of the volunteer translators and writers who keep Global Voices running.
These Cubans Are Puckering Up in Support of LGBT Rights
The second kissing sit-in, or "besada" in Spanish, protested the New Cuban Labor Code, which excludes gender identity as a motive for workplace discrimination.
Argentinian Footballer Ezequiel Lavezzi Has Quite the Following Among Women
The soccer star, also know as "Pocho," has won many female admirers at home in Argentina for his chiseled physique.
A Theater Company Is Crowdfunding to Produce This ‘Powerful’ Play in Cuba About Homosexuality
"Bent" tells the story of the abuse and internment of homosexuals in Nazi Germany leading up to World War II.
Fans Unite to Cheer for the Cuban Boxer Gamboa Using #animogamboa
The Cuban professional boxer Yuriorkis Gamboa lost by knockout, and his fans used social media massively to support him.
Architect Santiago Calatrava Attempts but Fails to Censor Site That Highlights His Blunders
Just a few months ago, Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava was able to shut down «», an online compilation of his blunders carried out with public funds.
In Cuba, a Correspondence Exchange Spices up the 2014 World Cup
After one of the letters was removed from the online magazine, the author said it was censored.
A Kissing Sit-In and An Open Letter for LGBT Rights in Cuba
The second "Kiss Sit-In for Diversity and Equality" in Havana takes place this year during challenging moments for the LGBT community on the Island.
The Lights and the Shadows of the New Cuban Labor Code
The new Labor Code in Cuba has sparked controversy because it excludes important protections in the workplace for certain marginalized communities, such as transsexual people.
The Debate on Internet Access in Cuba Intensifies
Cubans are increasingly asking for cheaper and broader access to the Internet.
“We are Leaderless” in Cuba
In an emotional post by Rafael González, author of the blog El Microwave, he questions: Are any of us willing to sacrifice time, prestige, fortune and emotional stability in support...
Increasing Connection Between the Online and the Offline in Cuba
In Cuba, an intrepid connection between virtuality and reality has flourished.
Extending bridges between Miami and Havana
During this interview, Jorge De Armas speaks about recent event in Miami directed to building bridges between Cuba and the United States after more than 50 years of conflict.