Israel/Palestine: Analyzing the New York Times’ Coverage

Peace activist Richard Silverstein analyzes the New York Times’ coverage of Israel and Palestine by reporter Ethan Bronner. Silverstein criticizes what he perceives to be Bronner's pattern of deprecating and minimizing the work of the Israeli peace movement.

1 comment

  • bluecanary

    American national politics? If you don’t toe the line on Israel your opponent in your next election will receive a huge influx of money from outside your district, and you will go down. Message sent to anybody else with any ideas of getting out of line”

    The solution to this ludicrous state of American politics whereby the rich determine the make-up of the legislature, is to put a ‘cap’ on political donations, as there is in the UK and other democratic states who want a legislative assembly that is properly representative of the people and not of self-interest minority groups like AIPAC.

    Why ordinary Americans put up with such a Mickey Mouse political system is incomprehensible. Three hundred million people could change the system overnight and at a stroke. AIPAC would be consigned to the trash can, American tax dollars would be spent on medicare and jobs, and supporting foreign states on the Mediterranean to kill their opposition would be just a fading nightmare. Why not do it – you have the power to change the way your country supports you – or neglects you.

    B Canary, London NW11 0AA UK

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