As South Korean university students’ ‘We Are Not Fine!’ poster movement spreads like wildfire across the country, even up to the point of motivating high, junior high and elementary students [ko] to write their own, the Ministry of Education has given notice to schools to control students’ poster-making in order ‘not to ruin good studying atmosphere’. Notable citizen-participatory journalism site OhmyNews posted images [ko] of the authorities’ guidelines, which have been shared by Twitter users as below.
“면학분위기 해쳐” 교육부, ‘안녕 대자보 차단’ 공문 교육부→교육청→학교 공문 전달… 교육부 “사회적 논란 여파, 학교 들어와선 안돼” #바꾸세
— 임윤경 #바보가꿈꾸는세상 (@djaak2002) December 20, 2013
The Ministry of Education, claiming that ‘We Are Not Fine’ posters would ‘damage good studying atmosphere’, has ordered each city and province's Office of Education to deliver such notice to each school. They say ‘they cant tolerate controversial issues being introduced to and influence schools’.