On September 13, 2012, several marches and cacerolazos (pots and pans protest) were held in different cities across Argentina to protest the recent policies enacted by the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The mobilization was organized through social networks, where people are clamoring for “Justice, Liberty, Security, Inflation, [a] Locked Exchanged Market” [es].
The Facebook page “Yo no voté a la Kretina y Ud?” [es] (I did not vote the Cretin and you?) spread the announcement [es] and later published images of the protests held in different cities. The page El Cipayo [es] also shared videos and photos of the mobilizations.
On YouTube, the user Yamil Santoro [es] shared a video which he titled “Bare Argentina”, where he undresses while telling viewers why they should participate in the protests on September 13. The video concludes with the following phrase:
“No dejes que te sigan robando tu futuro, no dejes que te sigan robando tu libertad. Resistí, vos podés”
The Facebook page El anti K [es] spread [es] the call with this message:
Hoy 13 de Septiembre nos manifestamos en Plaza de Mayo y en todo el país. Pueden ver los puntos de reunión en la convocatoria y comunicarse con las personas que asistirán al evento en tu provincia. Ganar una elección no da impunidad para cometer delitos y para ocultar inflación e inseguridad ! Este gobierno debe saber que todos debemos ser escuchados ! El dia de hoy si queres compartir información con nosotros que estaremos en el evento, podes enviarnos sms al 15-6-808-9938. Demostremos que no tenemos miedo !
Today September 13 we protest in Plaza de Mayo square and across the country. You can see the assembly points in the call and communicate with people attending the event in your province. Winning an election does not give impunity to commit crimes and hide inflation and insecurity! This government should know that everyone should be heard! If you want to share information with us, you can send us a text message to 15-6-808-9938. Let's show that we are not afraid!
![marcha rosario antiK](https://es.globalvoicesonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/A2tm7D9CEAANup1.jpg)
Protest in the city of Rosario – Image shared by Twitter user @meindol
Argentinians also tweeted about the various protests held around the country. Antonio Ledesma (@agrledes) [es] reported from Rosario :
@agrledes [es] : En rosario es multitudianria [sic] la convocatoria en el monumento a la bandera.
@agrledes [es]: In Rosario there is a massive protest by the Flag Monument
User @carteraspalermo [es] said:
@carteraspalermo: Siento una profunda emocion ver gente como uno que labura 10 horas por dia , que la pelea todos los dias unida en plaza de mayo!!!!
@carteraspalermo [es]: I feel a deep emotion seeing so many people who work 10 hours a day, and who give a fight everyday and are now united in Plaza de Mayo square!!!!
While the protests were being held, the Twitter hashtag #SanJuan [es] became a local trending topic because President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was at the San Juan province inaugurating industrial plants. National News Agency, Telam [es], published part of her speech:
“nerviosa no me voy a poner ni me van a poner”, y destacó además que Néstor Kirchner “murió de pie como un árbol y dio sus frutos: ustedes, que están de pie”.
“I will not be nervous, nor will people make me nervous” and pointed out that [her husband and former president of Argentina] Nestor Kirchner “died standing like a tree and gave fruit: you, who are standing.”
In reference to her phrase, Javier (@Avetuitera) [es] tweeted:
@AveTuitera: Desde San Juan… Kristina: Yo Nerviosa, no me voy a poner… Otra frase que denota su Soberbia… BASTA
@AveTuitera [es]: From San Juan… Kristina: I will not get nervous… another phrase that shows her Arrogance… ENOUGH
On the other hand, during the evening of September 13, Diego Sívori (@Diegosivori) [es] reminded his followers:
@Diegosivori: Hace un año el 54% le dijo sí a Cristina. Al que no le guste el resultado electoral y democrático, que espere a las próximas elecciones.
@Diegosivori [es]: A year ago 54% said yes to Cristina. Those who do not like this democratic result should wait for the next elections.
Other hashtags that became local trending topics were #cacerolazo [es] (pots and pans protest), #Cristina [es] and #13ASTA [es] (enough).
![BsAs marcha](https://es.globalvoicesonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ba-marcha.jpg)
Protest in Buenos Aires – Image shared by Twitter user @CarlaBHO
Would have helped to know what Kirchner’s policies were. Had to go somewhere else to get a sense of what they were. Still don’t know exactly but 25% inflation rates are certainly going to bring people out into the street.
Hello: here there is a collection of posts from Argentina were you can check, some about recent exchange market policy, imports, inflation which can give you some background. Hope it helps :