Malaysians sent 3.6 million twitter messages using the hashtag #merdeka55 during the August 31 Independence Day celebration. Malaysia believes it set a new world twitter record for the most number of twitter messages sent in one hour.
Organisers of the Janji Demokrasi (Promise of Democracy) celebration at Dataran Merdeka came up with the initiative to have attendees post their Independence Day messages on twitter with the hashtag #Merdeka55 (Merdeka means independence in Malay).
These tweets ranged from celebratory statements, to nationalistic ones, to humorous ones.
@KellyforniaGirl Happy 55 years of independence Malaysia ! I'm so proud to call you my home and even prouder to call myself a Malaysian. Selamat #Merdeka55!
@Evienereal Woaaa. I love how Merdeka square has turned into a demonstration hub on Independence Day. #Merdeka55
@appletej Happy Independence Day #Malaysia !! To more glorious years of freedom and prosperity!! #Merdeka55
@MalaysianVoice The fact that Merdeka is happening on a Friday is just awesome, long weekend for everyone #Merdeka55
@LisaSurihani :) No political ideologies or agendas. :) I am here to celebrate as a Malaysian. Saya anak jati Malaysia. #merdeka55
@sharifahaLEYA Freedom to speak, to think, to create, to express. May not be fully there yet, but at least we hve the freedom to dream. #merdeka55
@TypicalMsian Always kutuk Malaysia but never fall out of love with Malaysia. Because we only want the best for our country #Merdeka55
@Jenn_Thompson Politics and the love of your country are 2 separate things. Therefore in the spirit of patriotism let's celebrate #Merdeka55!
For some pictures and commentary on the event, Joshua Ong took pictures in his blog.
But there are reports that automated twitter messages were sent by machines.
@imShahidah: 720 tweets/min for #Merdeka55. Use of bots tweeting exact same tweet at the exact same time.
@rosli_s: @politweetorg: Mentions of #Merdeka55 were climbing rapidly at an est. 720 tweets/minute. Noticeable use of bots tweeting
@aafaizli: hijacked by bots tweeting the same tweet at 720 tweets/min – what to do. Anyway Happy Merdeka yeah