Malawi: Madonna and child

Madonna and little David: the debate continues, “Then again, my concern remains with this little boy who has been thrown in a mix of affairs between a poor father with no means and a foreigner with more than enough to offer. There is nothing wrong with adoption so long as the intentions and methods are genuine. On the other hand, there are plenty of children to “choose” from here in the U.S. and in the U.K. that need homes and a family. But…it seems that in the current “aid” times we are living in, your level of compassion depends on the region and place you adopt from in third-world countries, as well as your number of charities.”


  • I am disturbed that personalities such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie, who have great power with the tides of change and influence, are stroking their egos by trotting around the globe scooping up random 3rd world children to adopt. There are so many needy children right here in the US that could use a benefactor such as these two women and their families. In fact, two cities in Madonna’s home state of Michigan have been name the most dangerous cities in the entire USA. What about them? The combined yearly income of both of these celebrities could probably fix the terrible living conditions for all the children in India, Africa and the US and they would still have enough time, energy and money to adopt a few more kids. This is an insult and a tragedy to the homeless, needy and starving children right here in their homeland.

  • Tamu


    How posters like Sarah can automaticly assume what people like Madonna and Angelinga Jolie intentions are, are beyond me. Do she somehow know them personally to know what thier motivations are? No, they do not. Yet they condemn them for trying to help. I say doing anything is positive there are people that sit on thier high horses and make judgments yet are doing nothing themselves. In regards to why not adopt a child from the USA. Is it to be implied that a child from the US has more of a right to live than another? I am sure if one honestly considered, the level of poverty in third world countries they would realize that the US at its worst cannot touch how horrible and impoverished conditions are in these places. So why abopt a child from Malawi instead of Michigan or another state? Because that Malawian child is 127,000 times more likely to die this year, thats why. Furthermore, the combined incomes of these celebrities could not begin to “fix” the terrible living conditions in these countries as there are more contributing factors that make up the problems tahn just financial. Good for M & AJ for actually trying to get out there, bringing attention to the problems at hand, and making a real lasting difference than just sitting in thier big houses and throwing some money at the problems to “fix” them. I say “This is an insult and a tragedy to the homeless, needy and starving children” everywhere when people try to do good things and then are questioned, doubted and condemned for their efforts!!!

  • Ivy

    I agree with Tamu. They already can travel around the world where as a lot of people in the US do not leave the country so I’d think they are already more globally inclined than a lot of people. It makes sense that they would choose to adopt internationally rather than from this country. They could already get pregnant and have an american kid, and plus so many parents around the world want to adopt those american kids and have trouble in the adopting process. Most people cringe before going abroad when those kids need it more. Who cares about the homeless in America? It’s not the biggest problem right now. Most of the homeless in America get free welfare stamps depending on what country they live in. As for crime in some of the ghetto areas.. Well already what is happening here is not right. We are trying to boot poor people out by building nicer more expensive housing projects like that’s going to work. Since people like Jolie and Madonna can’t politcally be like “I dont like the president” or voice major opinions about politics without their ratings being cut in half, they do other things that imply their politics by adopting from really poor countries. Our own celebrities probably vote greenpeace!

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