DRC: Pastor Kutino's Detention

Rvd. Kutino Fernando, founder of Sauvons le Congo [Save the Congo], was recently taken from his church by policemen and his whereabouts are unknown, says (Fr) Tony Katombe at Le Blog du Congolais. The blogger is skeptical that Kutino was stocking weapons in his church or inciting violence as alleged by authorities. He believes that the PPRD just unknowingly made a leader out of the detained Pastor. “[Ruling Party] PPRD is starting to seriously scare us with its use of the police and many are asking how the party will react if its candidate loses the presidential election.”


  • hello.i greeet you all.i’m apostle P.K.E from DR.Congo in tanzania.i would like to tell our government the man of man must be free.peoples of are wqaiting for the man of God,archbishop Kutino Fernando.i call upon teh international organitions to do something for the freedom for Archbishop Kutino Fernando,pastor Timothee Bompere and all with them.my email is sourcedusalut@yahoo.fr .tosenga liberte ya papa archi Kutino Fernando.les organisations internationales doivent regarder son dossier dans le plus vite possible parceque le peuple de Dieu cad l’eglise Armee de victoire et tout kinshasa en particulier et congo en general attendent la liberter de leur berger.still bless.
    apostle P.K.E


    Salut brather will i no about the fether history of him?
    hoping to hire more about him.
    truly spikiing.

  • Hello,
    iam Bishop vincent victours ugandan American
    i know Bishop Kutino i said right the congo gaverment must free the man of God right now.
    before we go farr then that. please respect God do not just get the man of God like that.
    Bishop vincent

    • John W. Cameron

      Vincent, please contact me at this email address or my cell phone if you are in the United States. need to know how to effectively communicate with you about supporting your ministry.

      In Jesus Love, John Cameron

  • sambi salela

    Translate it in French, and distribute this email before it should late, for God reaction

    It’s time for me as a Messianic Jew believing in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel and the Messiah of mankind, to lay my card on the table, to claim for Archbishop Kutino Fernando’s liberty; isn’t the starting of a tribulation which says in the End of the age the Anti Messiah will oppress God‘s people? As Pharon tried to persecute the Israelite in the land of Egypt? The bible says that, their will be two Anti Messiah, the one will be known as the false Prophet and the other will be the false Political Ruler, and their will assist each other; beloved in the Lord I submitted to you that Pastor Ngalasi is risk to be identify as one of Anti Messiah’s candidate , working in tendency with false Political Ruler by trying to oppress is brother in the Lord Archbishop Kutino Fernando; really if it was true that Archbishop Kutino tried to eliminated Brother Ngalasi, Pastor Ngalasi should not brought the problem to the high court here on earth; for, the bible tell us that God is our final Arbitrator, which means Pastor Ngalasi should request is problem to God ,who will judge Archbishop Kutino by what he was about to do, to is Brother Ngalasi; My speech is on the Government of DRcongo and particularly to Pastor Ngalasi to request for is brother’s freedom before Yahweh should react with is mighty right hand ; again if Pastor Ngalasi is really a man of God, he should not be afraid of death, which the bible says; “O death, where is thy sting ? O grave, where is thy victory? (1Corinthians 15:55) my courage to Archbishop Kutuno is that the tribulation won’t be forever here on the earth, when the Messiah Yeshua will return for is second coming as the Lion of tribe of Judah, he will reign forever and ever.; Santa and the Anti Messiah (false Prophet and the false Political ruler) will be bound for ever and ever; and really if Archbishop Kutuno is the chosen to set DRcongo’s free, he will overcome those Anti Messiah ( the false Political ruler )with the blood of Lamb (Revelation 12:17) my last point is that as long Archbishop Kutino Fernando is still crying out to save is people from the bitter bondage in the land of slavery, oppressing by the second Pharon known in the name of false political ruler, God will still remember is covenant as it as been promises to our forefather Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob; for kutuno’s sake I will not keep my silence for DRcongo’s sake I will not remain quiet,til her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch and until God will make it a prosper in Africa’s continent; my last revelation is that, Congo’s Pastors shall be one as the Lord Jesus Christ was one with is Father, and their all have to be the watchmen on the wall of Kinshasa (Isaiah 62:1-6) by doing that God will work on your behalf for the peace of Congo ; and it will also be the end of a tribulation in course of war;
    May Yahweh Eloim bless all of you!! By having compassion of freedom for Archbishop Kutuno Fernando.

    Sambi Salela


  • rajkiran

    Most Beloved sir

    Greetings to you in the gracious name of Jesus. I really praise God that he has privileged me to write this letter to you for your kind involvement in India ministry.

    I am Dr. Raj kiran, as He called me to serve Him I have been doing the ministry in the surrounding villages in south India.

    With one another to glorify the name of God, ours is a ministry with a main aim proclaim the Gospel in rural, tribal and remote slum areas in India and to help the poverty stricken to release them. If you could make your visit to us, we will take you to different places where we are working to encourage people through your great visit. Please Co-operate with us for the extension of the kingdom of God. I really praise God he has raised such wonderful people like you for the extension of the kingdom of God. If you could pay your esteemed visit to us once, India will be blessed a lot. Please commit yourselves to visit us. We conduct seminars and Gospel meetings, many people gather and come forward to give their hearts.

    I believe that your involvement will enable us to lead many into salvation. India needs to know about God Jesus. Indians worship Thousands of Gods and goddesses. Out of one billion Indians only 2.4% know the name of Jesus. In such a condition we have been doing the work of God. Our aim is to reach every nook and corner and promote the Gospel to every perishing soul. We believe that God has made us to approach you to seek your involvement and guidance to run the race forward and to achieve our goal. Please uphold our Ministry in your regular prayers.

    We have no support of any kind from anywhere. There are many Leprosy children, widows, and street people who have no accommodation, and are basically starving. We are not able to provide housing for these people, but we do take the food to the streets and distribute the food to those starving that the people won’t die to starvation. It costs very little to feed many people Our Ministry consists of hunger, mockeries and persecutions.

    Our fellow pastors are very poor. They really depend on their potluck. They have to look after their families and go for the Gospel out reach work. Many of the times we walk (for have no bicycles) kilometers to proclaim the Gospel.

    We have been looking after some orphan children whom we find during our ministry work. Every orphan child has a heart breaking history. We found them in a miserable and sympathetic condition. They lost their parents in cyclones, floods, fire accidents, attacked by sickness or by poverty. We brought them to us to take care of them. In the beginning it was beyond our limits to console them. They slowly accustomed to our love and care. Our aim is to bring them up in Godliness and see that they are living witness to Jesus. Unfortunately we could not find any kind of resources and so we are not able to feed them regularly two times a day. Some of them get up at mid nights and begin to cry, because they are hungry. For want of funds we are not able to give them sufficient food. At such times they get up from their plates with their half filled bellies. And so they seem to be gloomy. We are praying for them to provide them food, shelter, clothes, and schooling them and pay their medical bills. But it is very difficult for us to look after all these needs in these days of famine and soaring prices.

    If there is a regular support we will be able to feed the parentless hungry kids two times every day. Many of the orphans who are under our care, needs support for their food and clothing and education, if you could visit our work, our work will greatly blessed. Please stretch your hand of compassion to fill their bellies and wipe the tears on their tender cheeks as a godmother & godfather. Please convey our heartily greetings to all who are Co-operating with you in your work. The orphan children are burden fully praying to God to bring you their way. I await your kind reply hopefully and prayerfully.

    Dear Sir, please visit India and we want to hold pastors seminars and street feeding camps to beggars and also want to involve you in village ministry work and slums visiting, ministry work among poor. Please consider prayerfully.

    Sincerely in Christ

    post box 2105, Secunderabad AP India. Phone 0091 9848708706

  • papy tex

    Africa is seriously drunken with this Abrhamic god preacher. What did this man “of God” do that the government would lock him up, nobody puts that to question. Because he is a man of god that exclude him from the criminal justice system, Africa is tired of this bible drunken preachers. The evangilist church in america sponsor a criminal like Nkunda and you want me to believe this preacher is a heavenely saint. Please! If he is sponsoring terror and arming a rebellion and found guilty execute him. Tired of this fake preacher!!! If you are not a member of an african initated church pack up and leave the continent please.

  • emile

    il est grand temps que nous puissions demontrer au monde que l’affaire Koutino est une machination diabolique dans le but de punir un homme qui a eu le courage d’aider son peuple en lui faisant commprendre le bien fondé de faire un vrai et un bon chouix aux élection,nous sommes tous témoins eans ce affaire sans preuve d’accusation dans aucun pays de la democratie nous avons entendu qu’un homme soit trainé devant les juges sans preuve de culpabilité juridique,en plu depuis le début de cette histoire le ministère publique et la partie civile ne cessent d’évoquer la peine de mort nous savons tout de même qu’il s’agit d’un homme de Dieu’j’appelle à tous leshommes de bon sens en vu de soutenir ce homme

  • didier

    Quand je parlerais les langues des hommes et des anges, si je n’ai pas la charité, je suis un airain qui résonne, ou une cymbale qui retentit.
    Et quand j’aurais le don de prophétie, la science de tous les mystères et toute la connaissance, quand j’aurais même toute la foi jusqu’à transporter des montagnes, si je n’ai pas la charité, je ne suis rien.
    Et quand je distribuerais tous mes biens pour la nourriture des pauvres, quand je livrerais même mon corps pour être brûlé, si je n’ai pas la charité, cela ne me sert de rien.
    La charité est patiente, elle est pleine de bonté; la charité n’est point envieuse; la charité ne se vante point, elle ne s’enfle point d’orgueil,
    elle ne fait rien de malhonnête, elle ne cherche point son intérêt, elle ne s’irrite point, elle ne soupçonne point le mal,
    elle ne se réjouit point de l’injustice, mais elle se réjouit de la vérité;

    bolingo ya solo ezala na mitema na biso nioso
    pona congo ,pe pona pasteur kutino merci god bless

  • News Cabinda live
    L’Afrique est sérieusement livre avec ce Dieu Abrahamiques prédicateur. Qu’est-ce que cet homme de Dieu “ne sont que le gouvernement allait enfermer
    Histoire de l’Afrique est jour le mêmes pour exemple aussi comme a Cabinda.
    Les Cabinda sont toujours entre-deux guerres indépendance pour le territoire ET la libération entre le mais de flec flac. Les problèmes des Cabinda ce la paix.
    En 2004 homme de DIEU Nestor Didiero Mayambu apparue pour prêche sir église au thème : Cabinda droit être libères o mais des angolais Cabinda droit être indépendant sir la puissance de la Angola âpre la litée de José Nzita Tiago ces homme sans peureux et sans Grete NESTOR Didiero MAYAMBU homme de Dieu l’évangéliste
    Il naturel de Buco–zau celui qui me le pétrole sur feu sans avoir peureux des gouvernements en placées.
    Comme résultat homme de Dieu a été attaque par des hommes a l’uniformes non sel ment de lui attaque mais aussi Violle sa copine (la mère de ces enfants) âpre sa disparations non sel ment viole mais aussi massacres sa familles.
    Que pardonne les gouvernements Afrique.

  • prophet ngoy madia

    i knovv pastor kutino is man of god jesus christ is with pastor kutino in congo is not is to take pastor like pastor kutin me prophet elie ngoy i knovv one day god will opn the door for this pastor if today i knovv god is for this pas

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