Existing since 1984. Networking since 1995. I'm a freelance writer, blogger, web editor and music lover. I live in Monterrey, México. Most of my writing is in spanish. Among other projects, I comment and review music events from my city in weshallbefree, rant in a blog for newspaper Milenio called Licencia para confundir, and go personal and collect quotes in Perdida en el super.
Latest posts by Issa Villarreal
Mexico: Fighting Drug Trafficking With ‘Magic Wands’
Blogger Juan Antonio [es] uses reliable sources to report on the situation of the GT200 in Mexico, a drug and explosive detector recognized as ineffective by several countries. Despite warnings...
Mexico Mourns Casino Royale Victims on Twitter
The attack and fire in Casino Royale in Monterrey, Mexico, resulted in 52 casualties, in another event further tied to violence from organized crime. Twitter users look for their relatives and friends, and cry over this tragedy.
Mexico: Two Deaths on the Border in Ten Days
The unexpected deaths of two Mexicans -a worker and a 15-year-old boy- after clashes with the United States Border Patrol in two separate incidents less than a month apart, have brought to citizen media new grounds to evaluate the actions of the government of Mexico towards the United States in terms of immigration and foreign policy.
Mexico: One Year Since the Tragedy at Guardería ABC
A year has passed since the tragedy at Guardería ABC, a daycare center in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora that was consumed by a fire, taking the lives of 49 children and leaving more than 70 with permanent conditions. Citizens mourn the loss and critize the lack of response from the government.
Mexico: Revelations of Crimes by Father Maciel
In Mexico, nearly 2 years after the death of Roman Catholic priest, Father Marcial Maciel, who founded the order the Legion of Christ, additional details of the crimes of abuse have been made public, which has been difficult for the victims left behind.
Global: Concerns About Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
The last meeting of negotiations for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has provoked the protest of online communities against both its content and the circumstances of their negotiations
Graffiti and Urban Art: Voices from Latin American Streets III
Graffiti and urban art on the streets of Latin America is celebrated on the Internet by artists and fans alike. This is the third in a 3-part series on this movement across the region.
Graffiti and Urban Art: Voices from Latin American Streets II
Graffiti and urban art on the streets of Latin America is celebrated on the Internet by artists and fans alike. This is the second in a 3-part series on this movement across the region.
Graffiti and Urban Art: Voices from Latin American Streets I
Graffiti and urban art on the streets of Latin America is celebrated on the Internet by artists and fans alike. This begins a 3-part series on this movement across the region.
Mexico: Marriage and Adoption for Gay Couples in the Capital
Both gay marriage and adoption for gay couples are now legal in Mexico City after approval by the Legislative Assembly on December 21. The community celebrates, but remains skeptical about the effectiveness of the changes.
Americas: Internet velocity in the Continent
Jorge Oyhenard compares in his personal blog the Internet velocity in America [es]: Uruguay, Peru and Paraguay are among the countries with the lowest capacity to download and upload content...
Nicaragua: Knowing Gestures and Body Language
Typical hand expressions, gestures and body language from Nicaragua are throughly explained on Los hijos de septiembre [es].
Chile: Social Networking on Presidential Campaign
An interesting summary of Sebastian Piñera's use of social networking [es] to support his current presidential candidacy for Chile (with information up to September 2009) can be found on the...
Colombia: Celebration of Lights and Candles
Every year on December 7 and 8 Día de las Velitas (Day of the Candles) gathers families and enlightens the streets of Colombia announcing the arrival of Christmas.
México: Mercado Negro's Hispanic Albums of the Decade
Hosts of Mercado Negro radio program blogged their “albums of the decade” lists for three categories: Mexican indie proyects, hispanic bands and “mainstream” hispanic bands. Some of the bands included...
Chile: Cartoon Blog Dosis Diarias Turned 3
“40 years of walking to the Promised Land and turns out to be this [a desert]. We're supposed to be the chosen people. I was expecting something closer to Rio...
Guatemala: Three Lynched on Chicol
Blogger Luis Figueroa dwells on the idea of “popular justice” [es] and its link with the Guatemalan civil war after three persons were lynched by burning in the town of...
Argentina: Gay Pride Parade 2009
Blogger Nimphie shares photos from the Gay Pride Parade [em] of Buenos Aires of past November. Note: Some photos may not be suitable for all audiences.
Colombia: Critique and Rebuttal on Medellín Digital
Fernando Castro of Bitácora de viaje enlists the obstacles of ICT program Medellín digital [es], which implements technology in institutes and public places of Medellín, Colombia, to promote equality and...
Cuba: One Year of Blogging from the Inside
The community of Bloggers Cuba celebrate their first year of blogging about Cuba "from the inside".
Honduras: Ballot Irregularities in San Manuel
Juan Carlos Rivera shares on his blog Mirada de Halcón pictures of supposed ballot irregularities in the municipality of San Manuel [es] during the recent elections in Honduras.