Pakistan: Musharraf has Left the Building

Eight years, three hundred and five days ago a peaceful coup masterminded by a Pakistani Army General overtook the reigns of power from the then ruling corrupt leader Nawaz Sharif. It was then the promise of a new tomorrow; it was then a romantic walk towards the faint vision labeled as the ‘enlightened moderation’ and definitely a step towards the ridding society of a plague called corruption. Pakistanis celebrated then, but very soon people realized that this blessing had slowly grown into an unwanted plague and the stay had become an unwelcome dictatorship. After many moons of tyranny, yesterday marked the end of a reign of power barely 60 days shy of nine years, Pakistan turns over a new leaf.

It seemed to be a normal day for Pakistan but it turned into a roller coaster of adrenaline pumping and rumor mongering session for its citizens as news started to flow. For the people it was one rumor after another flooding from TV newscasters to SMS's and even emails; it was as if the fate of Pakistan were to be decided by each other. Deadpan Thoughts quite easily summarizes the roller coaster of rumors in one sentence saying “The phone beeps – Mushy’s being impeached..go put on GEO [a TV channel]..NOW“. Some had us believing that this outgoing chap would go down fighting while some on the other hand conspired for the restoration of judiciary as his last vengeance but in the end it fizzled out to be a valiant outgoing speech, throwing in the towel before his tearful adios which Siam's Blog shares ‘A grim-faced Musharraf backed by Pakistani flags and a portrait of the country's founder’ to say “I leave my future in the hands of people.”

Pervez Musharraf
Pervez MusharrafImage credit: World Economic Forum Photostream in Flickr and used under a creative commons license

The tearful good bye on the 18th of August by Musharraf came barely four days after the celebrations of the 61st Independence Day. Pakistan gingerly marks the end of a long nine year dynasty. His concluding remarks were mostly a walk back into history as penned down by The Pakistani Spectator, which was just to highlight his services for the people and for the country.

Pakistani bloggers reacted with mixed feelings, on one hand some celebrated Musharraf by chiming in with the ‘For he is a Jolly Good Fellow’ tune, while some faithfuls were quick to lend him a standing ovation but most cautiously celebrated the end of a dictatorship. Sarcastically Yeah That too had a few words to share, Ammar wrote about how the new ‘Cat Fight’ is now about to begin, Chowrangi talks about Pakistan's future after Musharraf, Psychotic Discourses sheds light on the new form of Demon-cracy, MB confuses us with the talk about circle of circuses.

The immediate question that remains lurking is whether Musharraf is allowed to seek asylum outside of Pakistan or will he be put to trial for the charges alleged against him. Its definitely a tough juncture for Pakistan with a lot at stake.

One does wonder what next, wherein lies a huge mixture of political wannabes eying for the top slot, though the onus of pulling the country out of the mess lies squarely on the shoulder of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif, both unelected politicians entrusted with the faith of a nation to hopefully pull this country out of the mess it now finds itself in.


  • Stephen Adkins

    I am curious to know if there will be a vote by the people of Pakistan to impeach, or whether the government will decide his post office fate.there have been reports that the U.S. government would consider an amnesty appeal by Mr. Musharraff, is this true and if so would the Pakistani authorities allow him to leave?

  • Stephen Adkins

    I now understand that he has resigned his post and therefore cannot be impeached, if the Pakistani form of Government is similar to U.S. in nature. Can charges still be filed against him regardless of him stepping down? I believe so, but would appreciate any feedback on this. I Thank You!

  • Stephen – I am told [could be a rumor] that a police report was filed a day before his resignation this was just to create the pressure for him to behave and walk away.

    With Musharraf out of the president seat I think very soon a Pandoras box of cases will open up, victims of Lal Masjid [Red Mosque] blame him squarely for the massacre. The endless list of Missing Persons blame him for the kidnappings [he even accepted it in his book] So if he stays in Pakistan and the justice system willing to go after him then I suspect we can have a trial – but that is only on the condition if [his self appointed judges] want to go after him – or else nothing will happen – police reports are registered but if the courts don’t want to pursue it the police cares little. Until the next person who comes in power and starts taking revenge against Musharraf, if he wants to – by then I suspect Musharraf would have disappeared into foreign self exile.

    So the question that remains is we need to rejuvenate our judicial system, without that, Pakistan is just limping along at the mercy of one crook or another

  • They say 65% of Pakistan wants him tried? Perhaps it is the 65% all to the right of BBQ tonight here in Karachi.

    We have lost a good leader!

  • I think most of the younger generation Pakistan as well as moderate and relatively more educated people are saddened by the fact that President Musharraf has resigned, I have great respect from the Original Poster Awab Alvi who run one of the popular blogs in Pakistan however i would point out it would not be just to run a personal vendetta against Musharraf, Musharraf did made mistakes so does everyone, nevertheless he was able to move forward our dead economy that is again on the brink of collapse and was able revive a terrorist state into moderate *the way it is* country, Stock exchange was doing great, Ruppee was pretty stable throughout his tenure, i just meant to say, we should give the due credit to his services to this nation. that is it.

  • Only time will tell that what was right & what was wrong.

  • MB

    Dude leaders should be careful in making mistakes. Their one mistake can cause HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI’s.

    Saying Mr. Musharraf made mistake, just like others, is quite disheartening and that too from young generation who are suppose to know history better than any other.

    The problem is when someone makes mistake and doesnt leave the power. His mistakes especially the JUDGES issue was the final coffin in the nail of a free judiciary hope. And you say, well it was just a mistake, huh this is being quite naive.

    Well great leaders accept their mistakes and are ready to back off but MUSH being an ARMY man didnt know any word like backing off from power. This is why they say the worst of democracies of better than DICTATORSHIP.

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