On the weekend before the biggest festivals in India – Deepawali and Eid; bomb blasts have been reported in the city of New Delhi. The bomb blasts were in some of the most crowded shopping areas. River's Blue Elephants who was at one of the sites just minutes before the explosion says
We bought stuff for ourselves, gifts for people, had lunch there and left just minutes before an explosion killed twenty people on the spot and injured many more. I don't know what to think.
Sepia Mutiny has some photographs of blasts, and links to Main Stream Media news. Peter has information on helplines and the hospitals were the injured have been taken. An Indonesian student in Delhi writes-
One staff whose home near the blast took place said that he's heard a very strong voices which he thought of a firework [considering Diwali celebration that is the fireworks party, just two days away]
Conspiracy theory, shock and a chronology of blasts in Delhi. DesiPundit is covering reactions by Indian blogs and bloggers. It's an extremely sad turn of events. Our prayers for those who are affected by this act of terrorism. We'll have more here as the events unfold.
I saw this on a blog
How should Delhi tackle terrorism?28 message(s)
Will Sachin’s return lift the Indian team’s performance?128 message(s)
That Messageboard was from NDTV at around 5:40 PM, today! The stark contrast in the number of messages that the two topics have evoked should come as no surprise; but it definitely reflects the state of affairs in India. Or, does it?”
I do not know what to say.
My take on the media reaction to the Delhi terror attacks.