Sweet and Sour

#1: The weirdest and tastiest grilled rabbit for Easter

If your quota of cute chocolate eggs and bunnies has been reached for this lifetime already, you will love this idea: Easter 2006 – MeatHenge Style. It is never too soon to start planning for next year, right?

I first fired up and got ready the smoking fire. One could grill or sear these rabbit pieces any way you would like, but I wanted to smoke them gently for an hour or so. Something easy to deal with. Once the fire was going, it was time to get the rabbit ready. It takes just over an hour to get them both ready for cooking, these being the meat & fire.

I mixed up a little fresh orange juice, lemon squeeze and mostly lime. Then very tightly minced some onion and garlic along with some toasted cumin seed. Spread evenly over all the extra virgin, must have. This Cubanny idea came from Kevin over at Seriously Good, thanks! A little s&p with some oregano and we're in. Since I wanted to marinate each piece a different color, it took a few dishes to keep them separate, but equal.

#2: These are the best looking Vietnamese Chicken Balls I have ever seen!

Just take a look at these babies and judge for yourself! Johanna, The Passionate Cook, has done an excellent job. The dish is a Vietnamese delicacy, AND she has a rule in her kitchen that I happen to like very much: …if you do not use the kitchen tool/appliance in over a year, maybe it is time to give it away.  That way you will make some room in your kitchen cabinets and will make someone else happy!

#3: Intellectual Bankruptcy: sad but true, and eating food blogs too!

AP says no need to credit blogs?

A blogger got plagiarized by an AP reporter, the blogger contacted AP and a senior editor replied that AP did not have to give the blog credit because it is a blog.

It’s an attitude problem alright. I believe it’s called arrogance. And I refer you back Leo Magno’s article on how mainstream media regard blogs.

Right. We bloggers shouldn’t preach journalism. Not the kind that AP showed and Leo Magno wrote about. We must preach and serve as evangelists for a higher standard of values AND intelligence.

P.S. Link to the blogger who was plagiarized; link to the blog entry that was plagiarized; link to the plagiarized AP article and author.

This same issue is faced day after day by food bloggers all over the world. It is amazing, we do all the work and someone else gets the credit, and in addition to that they get paid for it??? Take a look at this incident where the same post by The Cooks Cottage, a food blogger from India got plagiarized a couple of times by different publications.

Who would have thought this little blog of mine would have such devout readers. Readers who are journalists, who want to spread my words with such faithfulness as to keep the original untouched, in its exact same form, word for word, comma for comma. And print it in one of the nations English dailies, with (purportedly) the highest circulation.

This should warm the cockles of my beating heart, it should fill me with pride and joy, it should, it should…

Well it doesn't. I am mad.

And after I complain to the person in charge of that section of the paper I receive a phone call from the offending creature. Who calls it ‘research’. Who does not admit to charges of copying even though she has scooped up 400 words of a five hundred word post and did a paste job. Who does not identify herself on the phone .Who has the gall to suggest I ‘want something", as in money, to keep me quiet.

Head over to the Cooks Cottage to read the full post

Next time, the post will be really scrumptious, from top to bottom!
Have a great week :)

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