MENA: Let it Snow ..

Snow in Palestine

The image above was taken by Alajnabiya, which translates to The Foreigner, an American in Palestine.

Needless to say, it was a happy day for her children, who got an extra day off school.

“My kids are happy this morning. After 2 weeks of winter vacation, they went back to school for one day, and then it snows! It started with hail last night.
By 6:30 am everything looked white. If there is any snow here, school and everything else is canceled. It's a public holiday!
My kids are thrilled. They were jealous before when Jordan got snow and we didn't. The lemon and olive trees look funny with all the snow. I hope we don't end up with too many broken branches,” writes Al Ajnabiya.

From Palestine, we move to neighbouring Jordan, where Naseem Tarawnah shares a few pictures of an Amman buried in snow, among them the one I posted above.

“If you thought the first day was bad, the second day has been worse. In fact, save for the occasional sirens of an ambulance in the distance, Amman is so silent this morning you could hear a pin drop. The cars are buried in snows as are the rooftops and satellite dishes. Looks like things might not get back to normal till Saturday,” he explains.

For kicks, Naseem also shares with us a photoblog on how to make snowmen and women! Click here to check out his imaginative friend's creations.

More of Naseem's snow pictures are available here.

In Jerusalem, CK also shares some snow pictures and comments:

This is what I woke up to yesterday morning. Winter in Jerusalem is already difficult enough but when you add snow to the mix, oy… what a balagan (mess). The last couple of weeks have been freezing but at least I could always pop down to the shuk and get some Gat infused hot chocolate, lots of oranges for squeezing or whatever I wanted. But with the snow? Everything was closed.

from Israel also shares some snow pictures and quips:

I can't believe I was playing in the snow just five weeks after walking barefoot on the beach.

Syria too had its share of snow and Mouffaq Qabbani had his camera out as he walked barefoot in the snow. He blogs:

when u go out door in such a weather with bare footed :D

and the snow start melted between your toes OH its awesome

u feel NOTHING ,i mean NOTHING AT ALL :D

In the midst of all this, Sandmonkey from Egypt feels left out and yearns for some snow in the land of the pyramids.

“Where is the snow?” he asks.

He continues:

This is not fair. It's freezing here yet there is no snow. Where is the freaking snow?
I suggest that we egyptians plan a trip to Lebanon or Jordan, because if we are gonna freeze our butts off, we might as well have some snow to play in!

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Iraq: Snow in Baghdad
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MENA: Brrrrrr …It's Freezing

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